Fadeev Maxim's Wife: Photo

Fadeev Maxim's Wife: Photo
Fadeev Maxim's Wife: Photo

Maxim Fadeev is a successful producer, composer, musician. Besides, he is also a happy spouse. Maxim has lived with his wife Natalia for over 25 years. Together they raise their only son.

Fadeev Maxim's wife: photo
Fadeev Maxim's wife: photo

Maxim Fadeev is one of the few producers who have never been credited with romances with his wards. Although the man worked with such bright girls as Glucose, members of the Silver group and others. To this day, Maxim is happily married to his wife Natalia. She became his second wife and remained with her beloved for many years.

Poor youth

Few people know that Natalia is Maxim's second wife. Almost nothing is known about his first wife Galina. The producer himself does not like to remember an unpleasant past. He only notes that soon after the divorce, he never saw Galina again and did not try to find out anything about her. It is known that the first marriage of the future star did not last long. Galina cheated on Maxim with his friend and fled to her new lover.

Fadeev, so as not to worry too much about what happened, plunged headlong into work. Then Maxim was still unknown to anyone, but he understood that he wanted to become an eminent producer. The young man began to make his first successes back in his native Kurgan. There, in the late 80s, he organized the "Convoy" group. The musical group began to gradually unwind and become recognizable. A couple of years later, the shooting of the first clips began. For one of them, Fadeev independently selected female dancers. Among the plastic beauties, Maxim singled out one of the brightest and most interesting. Even then, the producer thought that in the end she would become his wife. It is interesting that it was this young lady who turned out to be Natalya, who in the future began to bear the name of Fadeeva.

Almost immediately, the future popular composer met a girl he liked and began to look after her. At first Natalia was wary of the potential groom, and then she also completely immersed herself in a romantic relationship. She liked Maxim for his kindness, care, ability to look after beautifully. At that time, money was rarely found in Fadeev's pocket, since he invested all the money he earned in the further development of his career and the musical group. But even without finances, Maxim managed to regularly please his chosen one and make surprises for her.

Soon a modest but cheerful and crowded wedding took place. Friends, relatives and colleagues of the couple gathered at the celebration. Already in the 90th year, Sergei Krylov suggested that Maxim leave Kurgan and go to the capital. The young man did not think long. He understood that in his hometown he was unlikely to achieve the desired popularity.


The first years after moving to Moscow, the newly-made family was very difficult. The spouses did not even have money for food, not to mention renting their own apartment or at least a separate room. Natalia and Maxim literally knocked about in different corners and periodically asked to spend the night with friends. It happened that the family in the literal sense of the word was starving. Today, the already wealthy spouses Fadeevs love to remember how there was absolutely no food in the house. Then Natalya searched all the corners and found a dried-up potato lying over the stove. This single tuber became the couple's dinner. Natasha boiled one potato and served it to the table for two.

First success

Maxim came to real success after meeting Lev Gaiman, who was promoting his daughter. Fadeev began to write songs for her, and Natalya to develop an unusual image. This is how a new unique project called "Linda" appeared. Thanks to him, the young producer improved his financial situation. A small apartment of my own was bought. Maxim also bought housing in the Moscow region for his parents.

It seemed that the family had already overcome the most difficult trials (poverty and hunger). But a more terrible shock awaited them. Through the fault of the doctors, the couple's newborn daughter died. Natalia herself suffered severe bleeding, and miraculously survived. A year after that, when the girl recovered slightly, the family left for Germany. Their long-awaited son Sawa was born there. When the boy grew up, the Fadeevs returned to Moscow.

Unfortunately, the crisis of the 90s ruined the first project of Maxim. During that period, the producer also began a serious conflict with the bankrupt Gaiman. Despite the difficulties, Natalia was always close to her beloved and supported him in all his endeavors.

Soon, Maxim Fadeev managed to get to his feet on his own. New projects appeared one after another: "Glucose", "Monokini", "Silver". Each of them was noticed by the public. There was both money and fame. Today, the Fadeevs, with a smile, recall past difficulties.

What about today?

Currently, Maxim and Natalya Fadeevs still live together. My beloved was close to the producer and musician even at the time when he lost his hearing and many friends and colleagues turned away from him. Together, the spouses raise their only son, Savva, and regret only one thing, that they never had a second child - a daughter.


Recently, Maxim in his microblog congratulated his beloved woman on her birthday. He said that he had been living with Natalia for more than 25 years and during all this time he had never doubted her.
