If you feel confident about ice skating and have learned the basics of figure skating, then you can go ahead and master ice dancing. The technique of performance can be very diverse, but there are basic elements that every dancer must do.

Step 1
Always warm up in the gym before going out on the ice. It is necessary to warm up the muscles and joints. Don't go out on the ice without warm up and training.
Step 2
Get familiar with the shapes, the main of which is the arc. The dance consists of successive steps, performing which the skater must move to another part of the rink, while he slides on the ice in a series of semicircles. Draw the longitudinal axis through the roller. Each semicircle starts at the same angle to the imaginary line as the previous one. Push and slide, keeping the knee of the supporting leg bent, and pull the free leg back to the limit. Hold this position. Then the free leg is extended forward and is in front of the supporting leg. The knees are straightened. The arms and shoulders should complete the movement. When the free leg returns to the pivot leg, you bend your knees again and are ready for the next push.
Step 3
Master the rotation. To get started, train in the gym, and then go to the ice. Pirouettes consist in the rotation of the body around the vertical axis and in appearance can be in a standing position, in a semi-sitting position and in a “swallow” position. Rotate on bent legs. At the same time, keep the body straight, slightly forward. Don't bend over. Learn to turn your shoulders, they give impetus to movement. Legs must be together, pressed against each other. Keep your balance. Turn your head and shoulders strongly to the right. Sharply turn your shoulders and hands to the left, while with your right foot, describe a circle and put it to your left. Try to twist, standing straight on the skate and pressing your hands to your body. The center of gravity in this case falls on the heel of the right foot and the middle of the left.
Step 4
Master jumping. Practice on the floor first. The approach to the jump is as follows: stand on your right leg, slightly bent at the knee, the right hand in front, and the left hand slightly behind. Next, place your left foot in front of the heel to the heel of your right foot. But not close, but at a distance of a foot. Transfer the center of gravity to the left leg bent at the knee. Turn your face in the direction of movement - your left hand is in front. With your free leg, swing up and forward. At this moment, with your supporting leg, push off sharply from the floor and straighten it at the knee. Make a half turn to the left in the air, land on your right foot and ride it a little. Exit with your back in the direction of travel. Later, when you master the element, make several jumps in a row.
Step 5
Take some dance as a basis. Basic movements, such as jumps, spins, figures, will form a single composition of the dance. To make it easier, draw the dance program on paper. This way you can use the entire area of the ice rink for dancing and avoid monotony. Diversify the dance with movements, the brightest of which are performed in the central part of the ice.
Step 6
Alternate dance chords and combinations, enrich the dance with new figures. If, by the nature of the composition, hand movements should not be, then limit yourself to them. Make accents, pauses, based on the nature of the music and dance, alternate long and short figures. Remember the emotions on your face.
Step 7
Train! All skaters learn dances and run the program for a long time. Use every opportunity to practice.