Is It Possible To Make Upholstered Furniture For A Summer Residence With Your Own Hands

Is It Possible To Make Upholstered Furniture For A Summer Residence With Your Own Hands
Is It Possible To Make Upholstered Furniture For A Summer Residence With Your Own Hands

In any home, upholstered furniture contributes to the creation of a comfortable atmosphere. And for giving it is not difficult to make it yourself.

Is it possible to make upholstered furniture for a summer residence with your own hands
Is it possible to make upholstered furniture for a summer residence with your own hands

The easiest option is to give new life to old furniture. Old chairs can be used as a frame by putting soft foam cushions on them, and covering everything with fabric on top. Fasten the fabric with a furniture stapler or sew covers.

You can make a sofa or an armchair with your own hands - it's not as difficult as it might seem. First, you need to make a sketch that will help you more accurately imagine how the product will look like. On the basis of it, a drawing is made, the materials necessary for work are calculated.

When buying material, do not skimp - it is better to use only good foam rubber and high-quality fabric. Foam rubber should not be too soft, nor too hard. You can also make a mechanism for folding the sofa.

For assembling the base, it is best to use boards with a width of 15 cm, a thickness of 5 cm. The base is assembled with self-tapping screws. It is better to make the bottom of fiberboard; it is attached to the base using rails located on both sides. After that, the legs are attached to the resulting structure.

To give softness to the backs of armchairs and sofas, you can use polyurethane foam wrapped in holofiber. The folding mechanism of such sofas is usually simple hinges that connect the back to the base using self-tapping screws. For a sofa, the side walls can be made of chipboard.
