Vladimir Chernoklinov was born in January 2002 in Noginsk. Already at the age of 13, he learned to play the guitar masterly. His playing style is unique, and the quality of his performance is such that some professional guitarists envy him.

Vova studied at Noginsk school # 45. General educational subjects were given to him with difficulty, but he always took music very seriously, and from an early age he began to master the acoustic and electric guitars. The music teacher notes that the guy has a phenomenal ear and has excellent guitar playing technique. Having listened to any piece of music only once, he can immediately pick it up on the guitar.
Vladimir Chernoklinov has always shown a keen interest in music theory, he tries to delve into the meaning of each piece he performs. He constantly hones his skills, mastering all new musical techniques. In his repertoire, he includes only the most complex musical numbers. Vladimir is a frequent participant in various music festivals. For the first time, he really flashed at a rock festival in which children's groups participated.
People familiar with the talented guy say that he got his phenomenal abilities from his father. Vladimir had a chance to participate in many music festivals, including "Invasion", where his performance opened the second day of this grandiose rock event. The young musician continues to receive many different invitations, including from the production center of I. Sandler. Chernoklinov met Igor Sandler when he was 11 years old. The producer recalls their first meeting: “Then a boy came to me and said that he could play rock guitar perfectly. After a few minutes of his playing it became clear to me that in front of me was not just a good musician, but a real virtuoso”.
Voice. Children
Recently Vladimir became a member of the "Voice. Children" musical project. The project was the next step in his work. There he once again loudly declared himself. At the performances, he was applauded by famous musicians, including Pelogea. The audience was simply struck by Vladimir's ability to play a guitar. On this musical instrument, he performed tricks of incredible complexity. For some time now, music has become his work, and the electric guitar has become a working instrument. His shrill guitar solo impressed the jury, and Vladimir took first place. The referee compared his style of play with that of Vladimir Kuzmin, but at the same time noted that he was not devoid of individuality.
After the end of the project, the mentor of the young musician was Pelageya, who highly noted his performance. Of course, the repertoire of this singer consists of folk songs, but Vladimir is sure that she will select an adequate repertoire for him, since she understands that the young guitarist gravitates towards rock.
Personal life
At the age of 17, the musician leads the life of an ordinary teenager - he loves to visit the pool, plays computer games and, of course, works a lot. Vladimir wants to develop his own, inherent only to him, style of playing the guitar and wants to make a serious contribution to the development of guitar music. I want to believe that he will succeed.