Slow waltz is a gentle, calm, flowing, mesmerizing dance. This wonderful dance appeared in the Middle Ages, however, even now you can find a huge number of connoisseurs and lovers of waltz.

Step 1
Waltz is a pair dance, therefore, in order to learn how to perform it, it is advisable to train with a partner. Stand directly opposite each other, almost back to back. The queen should be shifted slightly to the right, relative to the partner.
Step 2
Start dancing. The partner takes the first step back, and the partner faces forward. Step forward from the heel, creating the effect of sliding your foot on the floor, and backward - from the toe.
Step 3
Follow three steps (1 measure). At the same time, in the first step, move a little to the right relative to your partner. On the second - go around the lady with the left foot, the step is made on toes. On the third - substitute your right leg, standing up to the maximum, and then lower yourself as much as possible, i.e. stand on a full foot. Thus, the impression of a dancing couple "swinging" is created. The partner performs all movements in a mirror image.
Step 4
Please note that in the first step you move, and in the second, you turn around a little, bypassing your partner and thus shifting the line of movement of the dance.
Step 5
To make it easier to orient yourself in the dance, remember that the angle of rotation in three steps is 180 degrees. Those. after 1 beat, the partner and the partner turn out to be swapped places.
Step 6
Follow three more steps. In this case, the girl begins to walk forward, and the gentleman - back.
Step 7
Do not forget that no matter who is facing forward, the man is the leader in this dance. It sets the speed, direction and length of steps. The partner's tasks also include controlling the distance to the edge of the stage, the walls of the hall or the audience.
Step 8
Enjoy dance, music, partner. Do not be afraid to relax and show your emotions to the audience. The slow waltz is an incredibly romantic and magical dance.