Unhurried music, smooth movements, and there is no one on earth except you two … Slow dances are not only a way to get to know each other or get closer, but also a step towards reconciliation and even a reason to propose a hand and heart. But in order to envelop these moments with a halo of romance, you must at least learn to dance.

Step 1
Many people think that there is nothing easier than dancing a slow dance. Well, probably yes, if in your imagination this romantic moment looks like a banal "stompbox" in one place to the music. In fact, dance contains many subtleties, such as the position of the hands. If the couple is not alone (grandmother's anniversary or corporate party), the partner's hands should be at the waist, and not slide down, even if you really want to.
Step 2
Keep your distance and try to look your partner (s) in the eyes. This speaks, if not about love feelings, then about showing respect for her. If you ignore her looking at neighboring pairs, or praise the beauty of her eyes by staring at her cleavage, why then did you even invite her to dance?
Step 3
Don't be afraid to make an awkward movement or step on your foot. In the end, this happened to everyone, and there is nothing wrong with that. It will be enough to apologize, or maybe you will laugh at your own awkwardness together. Would it be better if you get bored at the holiday without dancing with the one with whom you wanted to do it for so long?
Step 4
Try to relax. Dance is a light, harmonious movement of two people, connecting them into one whole. Listen to music, catch the beat and move. In slow dance, as in many others, the partner sets the rhythm. Don't be afraid to take the initiative, as your partner will have a hard time leading you in an attempt to save the situation.
Step 5
If you want to learn how to dance the waltz or just want to "show off" in front of guests at your own wedding, do not practice at the mirror at home, but in the dance studio. Or choose a patient professional who knows the art of dance as your teacher. He will be able to control you, praise you and point out mistakes when necessary. Classes will give you a chance to relax and dance beautifully, or rather, live those few minutes in the arms of melodic music and your loved one.