Viennese waltz, French, figured, waltz-boston … We all freeze with delight when couples rise on the stage and whirl with ease in the rhythm of the waltz. But this lightness is the result of daily work and concentration. During the dance, one must not only hear the music, but also feel it, and together with the knowledge of the basic steps for the waltz, this provides an excellent result. If you do not have a sense of tact or hearing, you will have to clearly follow all the instructions.

Step 1
Imagine a square. It is on this square during training that you will need to slide to the rhythm of the waltz. This is later, when you have already mastered the basic principles of dance, you can spin, and at the initial stage try to move in a square.
Step 2
The main step of the waltz is a side step. It is simple to perform: one-two-three, one-two-three. One - step forward with the right foot, two - we put the left leg in place, three - again the right leg - in place. When moving back: one - the left leg, two - we put the right, and in place. Three - the left one is in place. The more often you repeat these movements, the better you will get. Remember: only the first step is large, the second and third are small, barely perceptible.
Step 3
All waltz movements are performed smoothly, the steps are sliding, light, at the end we rise on half-fingers and again lower ourselves. At the beginning, the knees are slightly bent, then there is a slight straightening.

Step 4
When moving backward, the left leg must be pulled back with an accurate movement.
First, we slide with the pad of the foot, then we go to the toe, again with the pad and on the entire foot.
Step 5
The movement in the dance goes counterclockwise, starting with the right leg - forward and ending with the left - back.
Step 6
In the dance, the man puts his left hand on the lady's waist, and takes her hand with his right. The girl puts her hand beautifully on the man's shoulder. Hands should be light, bent, not tense. Be sure to keep your back straight and smile.
Practicing every day, you will easily master the art of waltz and surprise your friends and guests at the holiday more than once by performing this wonderful dance.