Zodiac Sign - Twins

Zodiac Sign - Twins
Zodiac Sign - Twins

Gemini is a zodiac sign ruled by Mercury. Above average height, light, impetuous - whether it be movement or the pace of speech, madly in love with travel and learning new things. And they are also bright organizers and instigators of all kinds of meetings and parties. Such are they, people born at the end of May - the first two decades of June.

Gemini is a zodiac sign under the auspices of Mercury
Gemini is a zodiac sign under the auspices of Mercury

The child of the zodiac sign Gemini from early childhood is in a state of hyperactivity. Even lying in the crib, he twists his legs so quickly that he has to hold them. By the age of three, no peer knows as many fairy tales, rhymes and songs as the little "Gemini". Children of this zodiac sign are not characterized by tightness, they are friendly and sociable even with strangers.

At school, the parents of Gemini boys have a hard time: the offspring are more often than others scolded for all kinds of squabbles. The fact is that Mercury gives good organizational skills. And playing naughty in the company is much more interesting than alone - which is what Gemini uses. Gemini girls at this age are more interested in books. They read voraciously, which can lead to early deterioration of their eyesight. In addition to reading, girls of this zodiac sign are very fond of sightseeing trips, plan and carry out trips to interesting places.

As a rule, by the age of 15-17, Gemini clearly understand who they want to become. They often choose careers as doctors or scientists. But closer to the age of 30, they can, unexpectedly for everyone, radically change their profession. Then they give preference to journalism or work where one has to talk a lot on duty, for example, they become guides and translators.

People born under the zodiac sign Gemini rarely lose their heads and fall in love without memory. Their choice is made more by reason than by heart. They get married and get married after thinking many times, weighing all the pros and cons. And with this, perhaps, they break the pattern of perception of themselves by others.