Anyone can learn to sing - but remember that good results in singing can only be achieved with constant training and exercise. A vocalist must sing regularly so as not to lose shape and improve his skills. Chanting correctly will help keep your vocal cords healthy and make your voice stronger and more beautiful. A series of exercises to warm up your vocal cords and train your voice will help you prepare for singing.

One exercise that any vocalist can do is hum. Lie down or sit in a comfortable position and completely relax.

Begin evenly and calmly to make the sound "mmm", pretending that your head is tied to the ceiling with a rope. Make the sound as taut as possible, then change the intonation and keep humming in a new way. Do this exercise for about three minutes, then move on to the next one, which gives a good load on the ligaments.

Draw air into your lungs and say a set of sounds: "vf-vf-vf". Pronounce sounds together, without breaking them apart and swinging the notes. The sound may be unstable and uneven at first, but over time you should achieve uniformity by always exhaling the same amount of air.

After three minutes, move on to another exercise - try growling at different volumes. Growling well massages and develops the ligaments, preparing them for full singing.

And of course, as a chant, you can use the note octave, singing different syllables according to the notes - "a-o-u-i", "mi-me-ma-mo-mu", and others. To begin with, chant each syllable sharply and abruptly (in stacatto), and then try to make the transitions between sounds smooth (in legato). These simple exercises will help you prepare your voice for singing without unduly damaging your vocal cords.