Extrasensory perception is a highly developed "sixth sense". It does not apply to the well-known five senses, it is something that defies logic and explanation. Psychic skills range from being able to predict the future to being able to read other people's minds. Psychics are subject to telepathy, psychometry, inner vision and healing. How to learn all this and what is needed to start?

Step 1
Be positive and believe that you can become a psychic. Any doubts and fears will hinder the development of your abilities. For some, extrasensory perception manifests itself faster, for some more slowly, but everyone is able to develop a "sixth sense" in themselves. This is not a superhuman privilege.
Step 2
Become attentive. Focus on all of your senses. Pay close attention to everything that happens around and within you, this will sharpen your ability to catch psychic signals.
Step 3
Keep a journal to record dreams, visions and thoughts, and most importantly, any coincidences with your predictions. This will allow you to track your own progress in the development of extrasensory perception.
Step 4
Practice visualization. When you learn to use your psychic abilities, you will see some images and information like pictures in your mind. Visualization exercises will help to correctly interpret the images that come to mind. One way to practice: look at the photo, close your eyes and try to see the photo in your head as it was just before your eyes.
Step 5
Find psychics courses, sign up for them. They can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year. During such classes, you will be taught to develop unusual abilities in yourself, you will be sent to any special area of knowledge. Consider taking a special workshop. The advantage of this form of training is its conciseness and brevity. Typically, the workshop consists of a 7-day course of lectures. Usually, after studying in a good school of psychics, a certificate of completion of these courses is issued.
Step 6
Test your psychic abilities to not only develop them, but also test yourself. For example, if you are confident that you can predict the future, start making specific predictions for yourself or someone close to you. If you think you have mastered telepathy, practice on a friend by asking him to guess a number, which you then guess. Record the results of your psychic tests to determine developmental improvement over time.