If you are a creative person and at the same time love to play computer games - sooner or later the moment will come when you want to start developing games yourself. Even if you have not done this before, creating, for example, a game in a trendy 3D format, it is quite possible. Here are some tips on this topic.

It is necessary
In order to develop your own 3D game, you need a flight of imagination, and some software that can be easily downloaded from the Internet
Step 1
First you need to define the genre of your authoring game. This is important: many scenario developments, as well as some technical features, depend on the genre. The main genres are: shooter, real-time strategy, action, arcade, adventure, reality simulation, racing. For the first game, choose the genre you like best.
Step 2
Write a script. The scenario of the game in the 3D game format consists of several parts. Each of them is important, so work with each part as carefully as possible. Part one "Concept document" - in it you need to write out the entire technical side of the game in as much detail as possible. Part two "Design" - here describe the visual side of the game, its menu, type of graphics, colors, special effects. Part three "The scenario as such" is the scenario as such, the plot with all its twists, intrigues, heroes, the artistic side of your author's game.
Step 3
Evaluate the complexity of the technical implementation of your idea. The choice of the engine on which your game will run depends on this. If your game is simple enough, it has a small number of heroes, no complex graphics, and for you this is just your first experiment - stop at FPS Creator.
If you are determined to create a complex, multifaceted, effective game - use the NeoAxis Engine. This motor allows you to bring to life a game of any complexity.
Step 4
After you have chosen the engine and installed it on your PC, supplement your game resources - download the necessary sounds, textures, models from the Internet. There are a lot of all kinds of software "accessories" on the Internet and you will not have any difficulties with this.
Step 5
The final stage. Based on the well-written and well-written points above, you will complete the game development work without much difficulty. If you yourself are not very familiar with programming languages, you can go two ways: contact a programmer friend, or download a game designer from the same Internet.