Each person has magnetic properties that affect others to varying degrees. But the capacity for personal magnetism must be developed as much as possible. Thanks to this, you can achieve any goals. To develop the qualities of a magnetic personality, first try a few simple exercises suggested by bioenergy therapist Alexander Nikolaev.

Step 1
How magnetic personalities differ:
• Magnetic personality differs from other people in an unusual manner of behavior.
• This person is polite to everyone, but behind his external calmness there is an extraordinary inner strength, thanks to which he can subjugate other people to his will.
• People with personal magnetism know perfectly well what they want, but they are not inclined to rush, because they are convinced that sooner or later they will get everything they want, everything they want.
• Magnetic personality radiates calmness and strength, you will never see this person nervous or agitated. According to him, we can say that if he wanted to, he could say and do a lot, but for some reason he does not want to fuss.
• The look of a person who has developed magnetism, penetrating, but not provoking. During a conversation, he looks at the interlocutor not in the eyes, but in the area of the bridge of the nose, attentively and kindly. This person does not like arguments, he is laconic and listens more.
Step 2
So what is personal magnetism? Like an accumulator, a person emits positive and negative charges, constantly gives or receives energy. This ability, in fact, is magnetism, or psychic currents. When you restrain any of your desires, thereby you accumulate psychic energy. And if you satisfy this desire, the energy leaves and, accordingly, the strength of your magnetism decreases. Of course, there are people endowed with a pronounced magnetic force from nature, the rest need to develop and accumulate it in themselves. The basic rule applies here: while you feel any desire, try to contain it (within reason, of course). In other words, you need to learn to look at your desire as a means of achieving success - and you are guaranteed success. By suppressing your desires, you thereby fill with energy, strengthen your will, turn into a person whose impulses fascinate and influence others.
Step 3
Exercise "Extracting Power from Desire." You need to imagine that you are influenced by some temptation or an impossible desire. Which, in general, would have been unpleasant for you earlier. Now you meet each desire with joy, as a source of new strength. So, let's start extracting. Stage 1: within 8 sec. slowly, all lungs need to draw in air. At the same time, mentally repeat: "At this moment, I consciously appropriate all the power of this desire." Stage 2: within 8 sec. exhale slowly, repeating: "From now on I have a measure and balance, with the help of which I can command the accumulated magnetic force." This exercise must be repeated several times. The temptation loses power over you from the moment you realize that you can fight it.
Step 4
Exercise "Detachment". Suppose there is a certain person whose approval and friendship you are seeking. However, he is not interested in you, and your company is indifferent to him or even unpleasant. Do you know why? Remember, do you get affection from this person towards you? - Not. Does he get it from you? - Yes. However, he does not even try to get it. In other words, willingly or unwillingly, this person draws strength from you. How can the situation be changed? It must be avoided for several days. Your task is to retain the strength that you previously wasted. When meeting with him, keep your dignity and some detached indifference, be absolutely calm. Within 4-5 days you will see the results of such exercises. The energy accumulated by this method will begin to work. And then - sooner or later - you will switch places with that person.
Step 5
Exercise "I said!" To build authority, you can exercise in a secluded place, such as outdoors, in your garage, or in your own room. Breathe slowly and deeply for five minutes. Now you need to suddenly get up and start your monologue, referring to an imaginary person (to your reflection in the mirror, to a photograph of a person, to some image). Practice this skill on this phantom. It is not so important what you say, the main thing is how, while thinking over each phrase in advance. You need to speak with a confident, sonorous voice. Do not forget to make accents and the necessary semantic pauses. If necessary, do not hesitate - walk in large strides around the room and gesticulate. This exercise will give effective results, even if you only do this exercise for 30 minutes. An example (albeit negative, but still) is Hitler, who was constantly engaged in such exercises. A trained person can have an extraordinary magnetic effect on the masses of people.
Step 6
And finally, a few basic rules for developing your magnetic abilities: • You must have the power of desire - a spiritual message that has an attractive or repulsive power.
• Cultivate self-restraint and secrecy through exercise, for example, when someone has told you something and you burn out to share it with someone you know, keep quiet. This allows you to conserve energy that you can recklessly squander in order to gain sympathy or authority in the eyes of others.
• It is important to be discreet in communication, because with your silence, you force the interlocutor to express his opinion. As long as you remain a mystery to him, you will be strong.
• And now the most important thing: avoid talking about yourself. Let others talk about you, but do not seek flattery and satisfaction of your vanity, because those who seek the approval of those around them actually achieve the least.
By following these tips, as well as doing the exercises above, you will soon find that your self-esteem, power, and value are increasing.