It is not known why growers have lost interest in such a wonderful plant as ficus. But recently, people again remember this unpretentious plant and try to grow it in their collection. Ficus practically does not require attention to itself, but simply pleases all household members with its gorgeous foliage.

There are quite a few species of this plant, and any lover of indoor flowers is simply obliged to have at least one such handsome man. If you follow all the rules of care, then there will be no problems in growing even the most intricate ficus.
What land does a ficus need
You don't have to bother too much about the pot, the most important thing is that it is not very large. In such chic conditions, the ficus can grow to very large sizes, since in the wild it grows up to 5 meters. The earth also does not require much attention. It should be ordinary, one that will suit all indoor plants.
What temperature does ficus like?
Absolutely all ficuses are very fond of light. But this does not mean that it must be constantly kept in the light. It is definitely not worth keeping a ficus on the windowsill, it will be better for it in a light shade. The temperature of the content is from 17 to 26 degrees. At low temperatures, the ficus slows down in growth, but if it is too cold, the plant will drop all the leaves and die.

How often to water
Ficuses love to be constantly sprayed with warm water. You also need to wipe the dust off the leaves every two weeks. Watering is worth every four days, if the ground dries up, the ficus will quickly shed all the leaves. Also, if you water it too often, the leaves will wither and become shriveled. In winter, it should be watered about once every 10 days. Now on sale it is fashionable to find beacons that change their color when the soil dries out.
Should you fertilize your plant?
Ficus especially requires feeding in March, preferably every two weeks. In specialized stores, you can find a lot of feeding options. You need to choose exactly those on which it says "for ficus" The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise ugly leaves will start to grow in the ficus.

What diseases are ficuses susceptible to?
Ficus is practically not attacked by ordinary pests, except for the spider mite and the scale insect. To combat them, just as many drugs can be found in a special store. As a rule, one treatment is not enough, so it should be repeated to completely kill the pests. Ficus is also subject to various rot. If the leaves are rotten, you can treat them with soapy water or remove the infected leaves. If root rot appears, then nothing will help here. You can only try to root healthy cuttings and start all over again. Most of the rot appears due to excessive watering, or a draft.
• No need to touch the ficus once again. And this is not only a transplant. No need to rearrange, rotate and so on. Nothing extra. • In order for the ficus to grow in width, it should be pinched. Treat the knife with alcohol, cut off the plant and treat the cut site with a crushed activated carbon tablet. • The top that has been cut off can be put in water and another ficus can be planted in a couple of weeks. • You can also grow three ficuses at once about a meter in height, pinch the tops, braid the trunks into a braid. It will turn out to be a very effective plant. One thing is for sure, if a person decides to get a ficus for himself, then he will fall in love with this plant forever. Indeed, with all the variety of species, there are many options for growing it, and its unpretentiousness only adds a big plus to this plant.