Houseplants. Euphorbia White-streaked: Cultivation And Care

Houseplants. Euphorbia White-streaked: Cultivation And Care
Houseplants. Euphorbia White-streaked: Cultivation And Care

Since ancient times, the spurge remains the most beloved of the indoor spurge. It is a rather unpretentious plant to care for.

White-spiked spurge - cultivation and care
White-spiked spurge - cultivation and care

The most important living conditions are plenty of light, moderate watering and optimal temperature. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid exposure of the plant to the bright light of the sun, since the leaves are easily burned. Euphorbia loves fresh air, it will feel comfortable near heating devices.

Euphorbia is a succulent, so moderate watering is required.

Irrigation water should be kept for a while, with a temperature of 18-20 degrees. Stagnant water adversely affects the root system, causing it to rot.


The optimum temperature for the content is 23-25 degrees. At temperatures below 15 degrees, rot appears on the stem. Like most succulents, Euphorbia hibernates in autumn and winter. At this time, a decrease in watering is required, a slight decrease in the room temperature to 16-18 degrees is possible.

Also during this period, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is due to lack of sunlight and is a normal process.

In the spring, with increasing sunlight, new leaves appear. In March-April, the first feeding begins, which are carried out throughout the spring-summer period 3 times a month.

It is not necessary to feed the plant in winter. If you wish, you can perform this procedure 1 time per season with a diluted solution.


In order for the spurge to look healthy and beautiful, it needs a transplant. While the plant is young, it must be carried out once a year. An adult plant slows down growth and a transplant once every 3 years will be enough. It is preferable to choose a pot with a large radius, shallow, since the roots of the milkweed are superficial. It will not be superfluous to place a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, where excess water will drain. Milkweed is perfect for a special substrate for cacti.

Euphorbia propagates in 2 ways: seeds and cuttings. The seeds ripen in a special box, from which, after ripening, they are shot at a rather long distance. In June, lateral shoots appear on the plant, which are used for propagation by cuttings. The shoot is cut off, placed in warm water, where the poisonous milky juice will drain. The next day after this, the place of the cut is sprinkled with activated carbon, after which the young plant is placed in a prepared slightly acidic substrate.