"The Corruptor" is an English crime thriller. Russian viewers will be able to see it in cinemas from July 11, 2019. The film turned out to be very exciting. Critics predict great success for him.

"The Corruptor": release
The Corruptor is a UK crime thriller directed by Ron Scalpello. Written by Nick Moorcroft. Cast: Sam Claflin, Charlie Murphy, Timothy Spall. The actors who took part in the filming of the film are considered among the most famous in the UK. All of them did an excellent job and got used to their roles as realistically as possible.
The premiere of the film in Russia will take place on July 11, 2019. On the same day, residents of other countries will also see the thriller.

Plot of the film
The film "The Corruptor" has an original and rather interesting, fascinating plot. From the very beginning, the viewer begins to follow what is happening with the main character. Recommended for family viewing. There are no violent scenes of violence and other controversial moments in it. According to official recommendations, it is allowed to watch a crime drama from the age of 16.
All major events took place in the run-up to the 2012 Olympic Games. The viewer gets the opportunity to travel to London and get to know Liam. This is a former prisoner. When a man is released, he tries to regain the trust of loved ones and the love of the family. All his relatives turned away from him, deciding that he was socially dangerous. Liam was once a boxer and was a true pro in the sport. After leaving prison, he no longer wanted to associate his life with Rink. The hero still has the main desire - to see his little son.
Prior to his arrest, Liam was in trouble with Clifford Cullen, who is the head of a crime syndicate with ties to high-profile politicians and officials. Trying to atone for his guilt, the main character is again at the center of a criminal conspiracy. It was not easy to get out of it. The man's brother is also involved in the scandal. Liam was determined to help his brother, make every effort and prove to everyone that he went to jail by accident, without being a dangerous criminal.
The main character had to do almost impossible to unravel a complex corruption scheme. He risked his own life, but it was his choice, which he did not regret for a minute.
Reviews of the film
The Corruptor has yet to be released, but critics have already reviewed the film. The thriller received high marks. The work of the director deserves special attention. Ron Scalpello has shot several films that have received many prestigious awards. It is quite possible that "The Corruptor" will be the next successful film.
The plot is so exciting that the viewer does not get bored for a minute. It has not only convoluted criminal schemes, but also a little romance. The picture has quite good special effects, musical accompaniment. The music is selected in such a way as to focus on the most important moments.
The picture has already been compared to the drama of the same name, which was released in 1999. But the plot of these two films has nothing in common. The Corruptor, directed by Ron Scalpello, makes the viewer think about very important and significant things. Watching a movie gives you the opportunity to feel how important it is to remain an honest person in any situation. The picture promotes, among other things, family values.