If your main dream in life is to stand on stage in front of a large auditorium and charm people with your singing, you have every chance of realizing it. One of the possible ways to make oneself known is to perform in the International Competition of Young Popular Music Performers "New Wave" in Jurmala. Participation in a competition of this level will help you demonstrate your talent.

It is necessary
- - recording of three musical compositions,
- - participant's questionnaire,
- - 3-4 photos.
Step 1
To become a full member of the "New Wave", you must go through the registration procedure. But first of all, choose, rehearse, and record three pieces of music. These should include: a world hit, an author's song and a hit of the country. Stop your choice on those works that you are confident in performing, as it is possible that they will become fateful in your career as a music performer.
Step 2
Send to the organizing committee of the competition the completed application form of the participant, several of your photographs (3-4 pcs.) And the musical compositions you recorded. All addresses can be found on the official website of the competition - newwavestars.com. After the organizing committee reviews the submitted materials, the best performers will be invited to participate in the district or national selection round.
Step 3
Regional qualifying rounds - for performers from Russia, national - for artists from the CIS countries. In Russia, selections are held in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and Nizhny Novgorod. You can take part in the national qualifying rounds in Kiev, Minsk, Yerevan, Helsinki and Riga. At this stage, you will need to perform two works in front of the jury - an author's song or a hit of the country, as well as a world hit in a foreign language for you.
Step 4
The next test for you will be participation in the semifinals of the competition. It is taking place in Moscow, and you will be auditioned by the chief director of the competition Alexander Revzin, the general director of the New Wave Alexander Rumyantsev, as well as the chairman of the jury, composer Igor Krutoy. In the semifinals, you will need to perform the same pieces as in the previous round. After the semifinals, the jury will announce the applicants for the final.
Step 5
The final stage will be additional auditions, after which the jury will name the finalists who will take part in the main action in Jurmala. You will also be given advice on style, repertoire and choreography. Therefore, if you are confident in your talent, do not expect any special sign, but send your songs in your performance to the address of the organizing committee and, perhaps, a new star will light up in the musical sky, which you will become.