What Is The Film "Give Mi Liberty" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

What Is The Film "Give Mi Liberty" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer
What Is The Film "Give Mi Liberty" About: Release Date In Russia, Actors, Trailer

"Give Me Liberty" is an American comedy that will be released in Russia in July 2019. This is a film about a man who found himself in a foreign country and about the troubles he had to endure on the way to achieving the American Dream.

What is the movie about
What is the movie about

"Give mi liberty": release

Give Me Liberty is an American film that world premiered in January 2019. The original title is "Give Me Liberty", which means "Give me freedom" in English. The brisk comedy will be released in Russian hire on July 25, 2019. The director of the film is Kirill Mikhanovsky. Script writers - Alice Austin, Kirill Mikhanovsky.

Actors Lauren Lolo Spencer, Chris Galast, Maxim Stoyanov, Daria Ekamasova and others took part in the filming of the film. There are no Hollywood stars of the first magnitude in the comedy, but all the actors are quite famous and promising. After the release of "Give Me Liberty" on the screens of cinemas, viewers will be able to see their idols in completely new roles.


Plot of the film

The film has a fairly simple, but original storyline. The events taking place in the film captivate the viewer. A young minibus driver from the American city of Milwaukee Vic is a Russian emigrant who lives with his grandfather. He has not yet found his dream job and wants to change his life, but so far he is forced to work on a minibus for transporting people with disabilities. On one of the difficult days, he has to take a company of Russian emigrants to the commemoration. His grandfather was among the passengers. This was after street protests against police brutality.

During the trip, Vick received a call from his black friend Tracy and asked him to pick her up from the dangerous area. Representatives of three generations of the Russian emigration find themselves in one bus. Vic does not feel very comfortable around petty swindlers and outcasts. Traveling with unpredictable passengers is out of his control.


Reviews of the film

"Give mi liberty" has already been seen in some countries, and critics have written their own reviews. According to the majority of professionals, the film turned out to be successful. Its plot is intricate and complex. The motion picture turned out with a deep meaning, despite the fact that it is a lively comedy. Some even call it an absurd comedy. Perhaps some of the viewers will be disappointed, not grasping the main meaning of the movie and not understanding what the filmmakers wanted to tell, what problems they decided to raise.

"Give mi liberty" is a movie about a person who finds himself in a completely different country, trying to survive in it and find his place. To emerge victorious, you need to learn to overcome all obstacles. The film touches on the topic of emigration, which is relevant for many.

Critics praised the acting. Musical accompaniment deserves special attention. With the help of well-chosen music, the director managed to focus the viewer's attention on the most important moments.


"Give mi liberty" is a comedy, so humor is present in it in large quantities. Some moments may seem strange and even absurd to viewers. But humor is devoid of vulgarity, and in this the filmmakers managed not to cross the fine line separating good cinema from low-quality films with specific jokes. You can even attend the premiere with teenage children over 16 years old. But this lower age limit is rather arbitrary.
