How To Grow Begonia From Seeds At Home

How To Grow Begonia From Seeds At Home
How To Grow Begonia From Seeds At Home

Begonias are usually propagated by cuttings and dividing tubers, but if a large number of plants are needed, then the best way is to grow them from seeds.

How to grow begonia from seeds at home
How to grow begonia from seeds at home

Sowing and growing begonias

The best time for sowing begonia seeds is mid-December - early January. For planting, you will need shallow boxes filled with a nutritious and loose substrate, consisting of:

- 2 parts of humus;

- 1 piece of leafy land;

- 1 part sand.

Begonia seeds are very small, so they do not need to be embedded in the soil. Slightly compact the surface of the substrate and sow the seeds.

For disinfection, the soil must be moistened with a foundationol solution.

For the convenience of flower growers, manufacturers often make seeds in granules, it is much easier to sow them. Use peat tablets for planting. Place them in a container and wet them. After the tablets are swollen, place one seed in granules on the surface and squeeze a little.

Cover the box with glass and place it in a bright and warm place at home. For germination of begonia, a temperature of 20-22 ° C is required. Watering is carried out daily in the morning with warm water using a spray bottle, while airing the seedlings for an hour. Wipe off condensation from the glass periodically, as drops falling on crops can cause begonia seedlings to rot. After 2 weeks, when all the seeds have germinated, the glass can be completely removed.

Place the container with seedlings in a sunny, but cooler place with a temperature of 17-19 ° C, water as the top layer in the box dries. About a month after planting, when 3-4 true leaves appear, dive the begonias into small peat pots. Dig up and plant the plants very carefully so as not to damage the fragile root system.

When growing seedlings of begonias in peat tablets, water the plants through the tray.

In early May, take the boxes with begonia seedlings into the greenhouse. On warm sunny days, they need to be opened, gradually accustoming the seedlings to external conditions. Already at the end of May, the shelter can be completely removed to harden young plants.

How to plant seedlings in open ground

Plant begonia seedlings in open ground after the threat of return frosts in early June has passed. A week before planting in open ground, feed the plants with potassium phosphate at the rate of 5 g per 10 liters of water and reduce the dose of watering.

When planting begonia seedlings on a flower bed, the soil surface must be carefully leveled and moistened. Make small holes and place plants in them. Place the roots loosely, while leaving the root collar on the soil surface. The distance between seedlings is usually 10 cm, and between rows - 13-15 cm.

If plant varieties are undersized, then the distance between flowers can be reduced to 7-8 cm. Ampel begonia is best grown in hanging pots and flowerpots.
