Everyone knows fun from childhood - blowing up soap bubbles. And today it has not lost its relevance. If you want to entertain your child, nothing is easier, you just need to know how to make homemade soap bubbles.

The simplest recipe for homemade soap bubbles is to mix 1/4 cup water, 1/3 cup shampoo or detergent, and 2 teaspoons of sugar or glycerin for strength. It is best to use shampoo for children, because he is the most harmless. You can blow bubbles with a regular straw or with a ballpoint pen case.
If you want to blow bubbles in winter, then you should use a different recipe, without the use of glycerin. To do this, you need to cut the usual laundry soap into a glass of hot water. It is necessary that it completely dissolve, for this you can additionally warm the solution. Blowing such bubbles in the cold, you will see how they are covered with magnificent patterns, as on frozen glass. Interestingly, when gelatin is added to the solution, the soap bubbles become much stronger.
In addition, you can blow nesting dolls out of soap bubbles. To do this, you need to lean the tip of the tube against a smooth surface, such as a table, and blow gently. You get a soapy hemisphere. Then you need to carefully pierce it with a tube so that it does not burst, and then blow a new bubble inside. This can be done several times, and a rather interesting effect is obtained.
In order to blow out giant soap bubbles, you need to make a special device from a nylon rope. It needs to be pulled in a triangle shape with sticks. This device must be immersed in a soapy solution, after which you can start blowing. But to make a really big bubble, it is better not to blow, but to wave this device.
If you understand how to make homemade soap bubbles, you can always entertain your child without much effort and cost. Children are always delighted with iridescent iridescent soap balls.