People who love rough sports, for sure, will not be able to pass by the boxing ring. In order to achieve excellent results, the athlete needs quality gloves. However, before you go shopping for them, you need to find a good boxing bandage. After all, they are the ones that are wound around the hand.

Step 1
If you decide to get into boxing, pick up quality boxing bandages. The fact is that it is on them that boxing gloves should be measured. This is how the production of these products is organized.
Step 2
In the event that a child who is just trying himself in this sport will engage in boxing, buy short bandages. Their average length is 2.5 meters. This is exactly how much is needed in order to wrap the brush completely, but at the same time do not fix the fingers. But adult athletes should only purchase long boxing bandages. With their help, a fist and a hand are held. Don't worry about spending a lot of time. very soon even 4-meter strips will be wound in a few minutes. At the same time, long boxing bandages fix all fingers and prevent various injuries.
Step 3
As for the material from which boxing bandages are made, there are two options: elastic and cotton fabric. Again, children should use cotton boxing bandages. This is due to the fact that babies can inadvertently overtighten their arms so that their fingers swell. And this negatively affects the results of the battle and their health. But if you are an adult and prefer elastic, you can safely use it. However, again - be extremely careful while winding, watch how tight the bandage is all the time.
Step 4
Above all else, forget that boxing bandages are designed to absorb sweat. It is a myth. As practice shows, during normal training, a large amount of fluid is released, which remains on the fingers. So the gloves suffer anyway.
Step 5
To solve the problem with unpleasant odors, buy regular cotton gloves at one of the hardware stores. They will function as socks, just put them on your hands.