Sergey Kayumovich Shakurov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, as well as a television presenter. He is a People's Artist of the RSFSR and a laureate of the USSR State Prize. Millions of fans are closely following his work and details of his personal life. Naturally, they are also interested in the financial condition of the idol.

The popular domestic actor Sergei Shakurov, among other achievements and regalia, also has the prestigious title of "Chevalier of the Order of Honor". His creative career has been developing for more than half a century. And during this period of time, he starred in more than 80 film projects and acted as a dubbing actor in 19 films that have become favorite for representatives of all generations in the post-Soviet space.
Brief biography of Sergei Shakurov
On January 1, 1942, the future idol of millions of fans was born in the capital's family of workers of the research institute. The mother (Olga Shakurova) was mainly engaged in raising her son, since the father (Kayum Taffitovich Shakurov, a Tatar by nationality), being a well-known hunter throughout Moscow, devoted all his free time not to his household, but to his hobby. For him, the society of a huge pack of trained dogs was much dearer to his heart than the banal life of military and post-war life.

In the large family of the Shakurovs, Sergei was the youngest offspring, so he regularly "flew" from his older brothers and sisters, the age difference with whom was more than 10 years. Apparently this formed a cocky and uncompromising character in him, with which he participated with great enthusiasm in the Arbat boys' showdowns, when the wall-to-wall format was in special use.
At the age of 10, the hooligan boy decided to reorient his irrepressible energy for peaceful purposes. Perhaps the suggestion of the father or another slap in the face from adult companions became a motivating sign. Even the "hero of the occasion" is silent about that. From that moment on, the future actor took up acrobatics, in which he succeeded, having received the title of "Master of Sports" by his majority. Moreover, in this sport, he was even able to become the champion of Moscow.
However, the natural artistic gift, manifested in him from childhood, began to be realized in life. At first, it was a school amateur circle, where from the 7th grade he began to appear on the local stage under the guidance of teacher Valentin Zakhoda, who at one time was part of the Moscow troupe of the Central Children's Theater.
It is noteworthy that Sergei Shakurov, first because of sports, did not receive a school certificate, and then sacrificed his sports career for the sake of the theatrical stages. Surprisingly, without a document on secondary education, the young man managed to enter a studio at the Central House of Theaters in 1961. To do this, he really needed the recommendation of the famous playwright Viktor Rozov, who was able to consider remarkable artistic data in the young man.
Personal life
The family life of the People's Artist of the RSFSR is as intense as professional activity. His numerous novels often became the property of the press. Among the passions of the actor was at one time and Larisa Guzeeva, whom he recommended to the director Eldar Ryazanov for a star role in "Cruel Romance". This novel can be called one of the unsuccessful ones, since a frivolous girl (an actress of one role) quickly exchanged this relationship for a fleeting connection with the brilliant Nikita Mikhalkov.

Sergey made his debut visit to the registry office with a classmate at the studio school at the Central Children's Theater Natalia Oleneva. In this marriage, a son, Ivan, was born, who later became a photographer and in turn made the popular artist a grandfather three times.
For the second time, the marital union Shakurov sealed with the actress Tatyana Kochemasova, whom, as is often the case in the creative environment of like-minded people, he met on the set. In 1986, the couple had a daughter, Olga. But this attempt to build a family nest for centuries could not be successful. Then Sergei was very worried about the breakup, even when he was in a hospital bed.
Currently, the people's favorite is married (the third and last to date) with Ekaterina Babalova, who is a theater producer. The wife is 30 years younger than her husband. She is Armenian. In 2004 she gave birth to a joint son, Marat. The young man is brought up in an atmosphere of love for creativity and a healthy lifestyle. He regularly goes in for swimming and daily performs the song repertoire agreed with his father.
Since the People's Artist of the RSFSR is deeply convinced of the dangers of media for the bearer of the creative process, he carefully avoids representatives of the press. For the same reason, he does not communicate with fans on social networks.
Sergey Shakurov today
His latest creative projects speak volumes about the financial solvency of any actor. Sergei Kayumovich considers himself to be more of a theater actor, taking the set for a good place to pursue his hobby. Moreover, he only accepts invitations from filmmakers when they correspond to his ideas about full-fledged art.

Of the final film projects included in the filmography of Sergei Shakurov, one can note the crime series Torgsin (2017), the serial melodrama Birch (2018), the drama Mutiny (2018) and the 6th season of the sensational sports series Molodezhka (2018).
Judging by the working schedule of the popular actor, his current demand continues to be at a fairly high level. And this can not please his many fans.