If you know how to play the guitar, you can perform many songs, and your soul requires creative self-expression, then it is quite possible to try to compose your own song. Who knows, maybe soon it will become a real hit.

Step 1
Songwriters compose their works in different ways. Someone takes a ready-made text and comes up with music for it. For someone, on the contrary, first a melody is born in the head, and already words are matched to it. And for someone, both appear at the same time. Try all three methods.
Step 2
First, try to come up with a melody for the finished text. Either write the text yourself, or borrow from another author. Just remember that if you are going to use the song commercially and generally perform it in public, the consent of the lyricist is necessary.
Read the text aloud, feel its mood, remember the images that your imagination gives rise to when reading. What melody would suit this text? Happy or sad? Fast or Slow? Sharp or soft and tender? The music and lyrics in the song should be in harmony, don't forget this.
Pick up a guitar and try to play some chords. To these chords, try humming your lyrics.
Step 3
If you first came up with a melody, then sing it from beginning to end several times. What emotions does it evoke in you? What could a song with such music be about? What mood does she convey? Try to find a few lines of poetry that match the size and rhythm of the melody and match its mood.
As a practice, you can take the melody of a famous song and come up with your own lyrics for it.
Step 4
Just grab a guitar and try to play something - a few chords, a beat. Often, from such a random game, interesting musical figures appear, to which suitable lines are immediately found.