How To Make An Amulet For Good Luck

How To Make An Amulet For Good Luck
How To Make An Amulet For Good Luck

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Often in newspapers and magazines, we come across announcements from esoteric connoisseurs and various clairvoyants about charging amulets for love, luck, career and health. It turns out that it is quite possible to make an amulet for good luck by yourself. Here are some tips.

How to make an amulet for good luck
How to make an amulet for good luck

It is necessary

Zodiac stone, holy water


Step 1

You need to refer to your horoscope and zodiac sign and find out which stone is most suitable for its representatives. For example, amethyst, amber, emerald or ruby. Then buy a small pebble, and holding it in your hand, whisper words associated with good luck. It is important to take into account one condition: you must believe in the effectiveness of your amulet, that if you take it with you, then luck will always follow you. When the help of the amulet is especially needed, you can stroke it and talk to it, ask to help out in a certain situation. This ritual should be performed away from prying eyes, in complete silence and solitude.

Step 2

Sometimes a favorite thing close to your heart is an amulet for good luck. Let's say you spent a whole period of your life next to her, or a loved one gave her. Or, for example, in a difficult life situation, you once held a keychain with a toy in your pocket, and with the help of it you managed to open a locked door or something else. As a result, you yourself endow this thing with power, giving it great significance. You are sure that if you are near this object, then nothing bad simply can happen. Inanimate objects have energy, and if you consider a certain little thing important, giving confidence and saving you from negative circumstances, therefore, it is so.

Step 3

An amulet for good luck can be an object of a bizarre shape, found by chance on the seashore or on the street. The main thing is that he makes you draw attention to himself and think. On the other hand, picking up unfamiliar things from the street is fraught with consequences. An unfamiliar object can be charged with negativity and cause trouble for its owner. Then you should play it safe and visit the church, then lower the object into holy water and read the main prayer "Our Father". Now you can carry the amulet with you.
