Horseshoe For Luck: How To Hang To Lure Luck

Horseshoe For Luck: How To Hang To Lure Luck
Horseshoe For Luck: How To Hang To Lure Luck

Many people know that a horseshoe brings good luck to the house, however, not everyone knows how the tradition of hanging a horseshoe at the entrance to a house developed, and only a few know how exactly the horseshoe needs to be positioned in order for it to “work”.

Horseshoe for luck
Horseshoe for luck

What does the horseshoe symbolize

There are many legends about why the horseshoe was chosen by people as a talisman. In the countries of South America, a horseshoe is hung on the door to protect the home from the penetration of evil spirits. Among the Slavic peoples, this element of horse equipment symbolizes the full cup - wealth and prosperity in the house. However, in order for the horseshoe to bring good luck, it must be correctly positioned.

Correct placement of the amulet

Before placing a horseshoe over the entrance to the house, it is necessary to let all family members hold it in the hands, then each of those who live in the house will be protected by the amulet.

1. There is a belief that if you nail a horseshoe with just one nail, and at the same time it will hold securely, then the household in the house where the amulet is located will be strong.

2. The horseshoe should be hung in a place where it is difficult to reach with your hand. If you hang a horseshoe at the entrance to the house, it is better that its horns are directed downwards, so all the failures and evil will "flow" down the horns and will not penetrate into the house.

3. If the horseshoe is planned to be hung in the house, then its horns should look up, so the amulet will symbolize the full cup - the prosperity of the family.

4. It is not at all necessary to hang a real horse shoe on the wall. You can make such a charm yourself, charging it with your positive energy and faith in a happy future.

How to make a horseshoe with your own hands

The easiest way is to make a horseshoe out of thick cardboard. The color of such a cut does not matter much. It is advisable to place a cardboard horseshoe on a bright background and put it in a frame under glass. The horseshoe bowl can be filled with various elements symbolizing wealth.

A more interesting option will be obtained from salted dough. To make a horseshoe, you need to take 100 g of flour, 70 g of water and 50 g of salt. From these products, you need to knead a tough dough and divide into two halves. You can add colored gouache to the first part of the test - this will be the base of the horseshoe, and leave the second part white, from this mass you can mold decorations for the horseshoe.

Having fashioned the amulet from the dough, it must be left to dry completely for several days. It is important during the manufacturing process to leave a hole for attaching the horseshoe, since after drying it will be problematic to do this. The finished amulet can be painted with gouache and varnished.
