How To Make A Horseshoe Out Of Candies With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Horseshoe Out Of Candies With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Horseshoe Out Of Candies With Your Own Hands

Horseshoe is a talisman of good luck and wealth. This noble symbol evokes only positive emotions in people. If you want to please your family and friends with an original gift, to express your love and goodwill, then a do-it-yourself horseshoe made of sweets is an excellent choice.


Horseshoe is not simple, but sweet candy

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a horseshoe brings good luck and material well-being to its owner. And you don't have to forge it out of iron. It is so nice to receive as a gift an exclusive handmade horseshoe made of your favorite delicious sweets. Doing it yourself will not be difficult, will not take much time and money, but the result will be amazing.

Horseshoe made of sweets - a souvenir or a delicious treat

If you have an idea to decorate the Christmas tree with candy horseshoes, you can make them small in size and use different types of candies. This will require: cardboard, universal glue, colored foil and candy. First, cut out the base for the horseshoe from the cardboard, wrap it tightly with foil, and, if necessary, fix the foil with glue. Then glue the candies on the horseshoe, while making sure that the glue touches only the wrapper, but not the candy itself. Candy horseshoes turn out to be funny, original and pleasing to the eye, so making them is a pleasure. And to hang the decoration on the Christmas tree, you need to glue a loop of beautiful braid between the central candy and the horseshoe.

Horseshoe made of candies for good luck

As a gift for an adult, it is advisable to make a larger candy horseshoe. For this you will need: thick cardboard; glossy paper of golden color or corrugation; chocolate medallions or any flat candy; double-sided tape and beautiful braid.

First you need to make a horseshoe pattern. Using this template, cut 2 horseshoes from cardboard and 2 from glossy golden paper, but one gloss detail should be slightly oversized.

Glue the cardboard parts together, and glue the resulting volumetric cardboard horseshoe on both sides with golden details, while glueing the part with the "allowance" last to close the back side of the horseshoe.

Using double-sided tape, glue the front part of the golden horseshoe with sweets, trying to place the sweets at the same distance from each other. On the reverse side, the seam is pasted over with a beautiful tape or sweets.

A candy horseshoe can be decorated with various decorations. For example, for a birthday, you can glue foam plastic with glossy paper and, fixing a candy horseshoe on it, decorate with flowers. For the New Year, the same foam base can be decorated with fir cones, branches, toys and other attributes of the holiday.
