The engine is the core of a complex software system, which contains the basic functionality without taking into account the code and the specifics of the gameplay of a particular game. In this regard, you need to understand how such applications work before starting to write your product.

Step 1
Research the market and determine what games are currently in demand. Based on this, it is necessary to determine the parameters of the engine for them. Of course, you can choose any game, especially if you do not plan to sell your development. However, your work will be more enjoyable if you feel like your work can be useful for something.
Step 2
List the requirements. Determine the necessary freedom of action and realistic graphics that will be supported by the created engine for the game. After that, note parameters such as performance, number of characters, plot features, and other points that need to be considered in the game core.
Step 3
Determine the architecture parameters. It is worth taking a top-down approach and building a hierarchy of functions. This is necessary because in the future you will need to take into account the peculiarities of the API and adjust the game interface at higher levels of work.
Step 4
Create pseudocode with which to design the implementation of the lower engine functions. It must be executed in Russian without the use of programming languages. The pseudocode should answer the question "what needs to be done?" and focus on descriptive implementation of the algorithm.
Step 5
Proceed to the design phase, i.e. make a working program for the engine that implements your ideas. Test and debug your code. This process is quite complicated, especially if you are not good at programming.
Step 6
Remember that to write a full-fledged game engine you need to have special knowledge and free time. Currently, you can find many free ready-made solutions on the Internet, on which thousands of man-hours of programming have been spent. In this regard, you should not think that you will complete your project in 1-2 weeks. It may take you years to write a more or less working engine for the game.