How To Learn To Play Solo

How To Learn To Play Solo
How To Learn To Play Solo

Table of contents:


Solo - a fragment of a vocal-instrumental or instrumental piece, usually miniature, where a certain instrument performs a melody to the accompaniment of others, reaching a leading position. In chamber and pop-jazz music, solo is entrusted to melodic instruments: solo guitar, synthesizer, saxophone, flute or other. In rock music, no song is complete without him.

How to learn to play solo
How to learn to play solo


Step 1

Solo performance implies the musician's performing experience. To perform, you not only have to easily read sheet music from sight, but also have the freedom, as it were, to foresee a musical thought two or three measures ahead (including the rhythm-harmonic structure). If the solo is based on improvisation (when the author of the music writes only the chord frame of the song), write down the number of measures for yourself in accordance with the volume of the solo, divide each measure with a dotted line by the number of beats per measure. Insert the corresponding chord into each beat.

Step 2

Play the pentatonic scale in the key of the song. Match the rhythm of the scale with the harmony step. Your melody should be in harmony.

Step 3

Play notes not in scale order, but out of order, adding intermediate and additional sounds. Apply the strokes available on the instrument: legato, staccato, spicato, pizzicato, tenuto, bend, glissando, vibrato and more. Change the rhythm of the melody, constantly varying.

Step 4

Arrange the improvisation according to the scheme: outset - development - culmination - denouement.
