The hedgehog is a character in the animated film "Smeshariki", which has won the hearts of both children and parents. And children tend to draw their favorite hero. Together with your child, create a portrait of the Hedgehog, which can serve as a design for a poster, postcard and simply exist as a separate beautiful drawing.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser, gouache or felt-tip pens
Step 1
Prepare the materials you need for the job. Place the sheet of paper vertically. With a simple pencil, start sketching the cartoon character. Draw a large circle just below the middle. If the circle does not work out well enough for you, you can use the tools at hand - circle a mug, saucer or other round object.
Step 2
Divide the Hedgehog's "body" into four equal halves by drawing a horizontal and vertical line through the center. Draw these lines by lightly pressing on the pencil. In the upper part, draw two circles, located to the left and right of the vertical line - the eyes of the character. In them, outline the pupils, slightly offset to the bridge of the nose. Above the eyes, mark the eyebrows with small ovals with a house.
Step 3
In the center of the intersection of the lines, sketch out a small, neat nose in the form of a triangle. From it, draw a line to the mouth, drawn in the form of a small arc. Mark small ears around the edges of the head. Outline the eyes for the rim of the glasses. Draw straight arches from it to the ears of the Hedgehog. It was the turn of the needles.
Step 4
Starting on the left side, from the intersection of the horizontal line and the head line, draw the needles. There are five of them in total (if you look at the Hedgehog from the front). Two are located on the sides and one is exactly in the middle, forming a semblance of a crown. Just below the needles, draw paws-pens in the form of droplets. Then below the paws-legs in the form of triangles with rounded corners. Erase the guide lines with the eraser and start working in color. For her, gouache or felt-tip pens are more suitable for you.
Step 5
Start applying color to the head and limbs. Cover everything with an even layer of pink. Then paint over the needles purple. After that, it doesn't matter if you draw with gouache or felt-tip pens, take a black felt-tip pen and stroke. Cover your eyebrows, nose, mouth, and spectacle frames with black. Leave a small white round highlight on the pupils. The hedgehog is ready.