Fragrant Coffee Bean Hedgehog

Fragrant Coffee Bean Hedgehog
Fragrant Coffee Bean Hedgehog

Table of contents:


Crafts can be made from almost any material at hand. It turns out even from coffee beans. Such a craft will not only be a decoration for the house, but also saturate the room with aroma.

Fragrant coffee bean hedgehog
Fragrant coffee bean hedgehog

It is necessary

  • - plastic ball;
  • - brown paint;
  • - brush;
  • - stationery knife;
  • - scissors;
  • - jute twine;
  • - coffee beans;
  • - a piece of foam;
  • - cardboard;
  • - black beads;
  • - glue.


Step 1

So, let's take a plastic ball. It needs to be cut into two halves. If you do not have a plastic ball, then, instead, a foam ball, or rather half of it, is suitable for the base. Then, using a clerical knife, cut out the hedgehog's muzzle from a piece of foam plastic.

Step 2

Then the bottom should be made using cardboard scissors for the base of the future hedgehog. Just attach it and circle it, and then cut it out accordingly.

Step 3

Now you need to paint the base of the craft with brown paint. We give time to dry, after which we begin to glue all the parts, that is, we connect the bottom and muzzle with a half of a plastic ball.

Step 4

We start wrapping the product. For this we need a jute twine. We wrap the bottom and the muzzle of the future hedgehog with it. I think there will be no problems with the face, but questions may arise with the bottom. In fact, everything is simple. It needs to be wrapped in a circular manner. We find the middle, glue the beginning of the twine, after which, accordingly, we proceed to the main process. The result is a blank for crafts.

Step 5

Now we proceed to the most important procedure - pasting the hedgehog with coffee beans. You should definitely start from the middle of the workpiece. So we do row by row, and first we move towards the back, and only then towards the muzzle.

Step 6

It remains to glue the nose and eyes. We glue the beads. For the eyes, choose small ones; for the nose, a large one is suitable. The fragrant hedgehog is ready!
