One of the stages in the development of a role-playing computer game is writing a plot or script. In the course of the game mission, the participants will have to consistently solve certain tasks and achieve the goal stipulated by the scenario. The commercial success of a game is largely determined by the quality of the storyline.

Step 1
Think over the details of the marketing strategy for the future game product. You must clearly understand who the game is for, who will play it and why. Determine the age of the future players, their social status and educational level. With this information, it will be easier for you to develop the personalities of the characters and outline the plot of the game.
Step 2
Sketch a general description of the game world. Imagine the setting in which the action will take place, trying to take into account as many details as possible. Coming up with cities, regions and regions of the virtual world, try to immediately imagine what changes will occur to the hero there. Try to assess how the features of the game reality will look on the computer screen.
Step 3
Describe the characters in the game. For those who will embody characters in a computer form, it is important to know not only the appearance of the characters, but also the features of their characters, as well as functionality. Think over what skills the hero should have, what weapons he will own. From level to level, the set of capabilities and functions of the character should expand.
Step 4
Come up with a main conflict and base it on the plot. This factor will be decisive in the construction of the entire process of the game. The conflict defines the players' tasks and the ultimate goal of the game. A good conflict presupposes not only a confrontation between the hero and an aggressive external environment, but also the presence of an antihero - an enemy whose intrigues and intrigues prevent the character from achieving his goal.
Step 5
When developing the storyline, consider the possibility of making changes to the events taking place in the game. Include random factors in the game, make individual parts dependent on a set of initial settings. This will make it possible to keep players interested in the plot, make it more exciting and dynamic. The unpredictability and flexibility of the plot increases the developer's chances of winning the sympathy of future users.