Handwritten texts are becoming a relic of the past. Even most home school assignments are completed on a computer, dumped onto a USB stick, and submitted digitally. And that is why the question of how to learn how to write with beautiful handwriting is becoming more and more urgent - there is no experience, training in creating handwritten texts. Leaves its mark on the quality of handwriting and the frantic pace of life, natural laziness. In fact, there is a solution to the problem and it is very simple. Follow the instructions, practice regularly, and your handwriting will become clear, clear and beautiful.

Step 1
For classes, you need to prepare tools: two notebooks in an oblique line, like first-graders, two ordinary notebooks for writing, a pen that fits comfortably in the hand and will not cause discomfort during classes. The paste (ink) should come out from under the ball of the rod easily, but not "smear" the paper. Psychological comfort in such classes is one of the main keys to success. Experts recommend turning on your favorite slow music during lessons, spraying pleasant, not harsh aromatic agents in the room. It is important to understand that lessons should be fun, not annoying. Only this approach will provide excellent results in a short time.

Step 2
At the second stage, it is necessary to analyze what problems there are with the handwriting. Rewrite a short text, about half a page in a notebook. Look carefully at each letter and letter combination, highlight those that look especially clumsy and sloppy, which will be difficult for another person to understand. Problematic "moments" need to be written out in another notebook - each on a separate page. They need to be transferred not the way you usually write, but the way they should be written, in accordance with the rules of calligraphy. In any library you can find textbooks on calligraphy, but if you are too lazy to visit them, you can find manuals on the net and download them. Most of the online books of this type are provided to users free of charge.

Step 3
The first calligraphy lessons shouldn't be long. It is enough to write a few characters on each page in a prepared notebook. For some, it is easier to master first one letter or a combination of letters, and then proceed to the next page in a self-prepared recipe. You need to start classes in a notebook "in an oblique" line. This ruling disciplines, teaches you to maintain the necessary slope of the letters and make them the same size. You can proceed to the next stage only when you are confident in drawing clear and understandable signs that correspond to the rules of calligraphy. As an experiment, you can rewrite small texts or sentences in a notebook with a regular ruled or on a sheet without markup. But you should not rush, it is better to show patience, then the result will be as expected and wanted.

Step 4
Special gymnastics for hands and fingers is very important during the period of handwriting correction classes. Its main task is to make fingers flexible, sensitive and strong. Calligraphy experts recommend the following exercises:
• circular rotation with brushes, • flexion of the wrist joint, • rhythmic clenching and unclenching of the fist, • circular movements with your fingers, • "lock", • fan-shaped movements.
Handicrafts, collecting pictures from puzzles and constructors from small parts are useful. It is better to choose those models of puzzles and puzzles that consist of a large number of parts. For studying with them, you can take a separate corner in the house, and do not abandon the case until it is over. It disciplines and develops perseverance, helps to get rid of stress.

Step 5
Learn to evaluate your work, set yourself "marks" as in school, but do it objectively, without self-pity and narcissism. Be as strict as possible - if at least one letter in the work turned out to be clumsy or out of order, lower the mark by one point. And if it doesn't work out, ask someone close to you to look through the written text, point out mistakes in terms of calligraphy. It will be just great if you are helped by a person who himself knows how to write beautifully, but will not be afraid to offend you with an objective assessment. There is no need to scold yourself, it is important to find an incentive, to learn to perceive criticism as a guide to action, a springboard for reaching new heights. Analysis of errors should be recorded - unsuccessful letters should be transferred to the beginning of a new page in a notebook.

Step 6
After you start getting beautiful letters and letter combinations, you can move on to longer sentences and texts. At the initial stage, they need to be written in a notebook "in a slanting line." This will allow you to save the results when you move to a new level of training. You need to rewrite small texts or individual sentences, phrases. It's helpful to start counting the time taken to write a certain number of lines or words. It is better to take strings into account, since words have different lengths. Another option to increase your writing speed is to set a timer. You can also use your favorite musical composition as a time counter. But haste should not affect the quality, and if the handwriting is distorted, then it is too early to rush. It is necessary to continue to evaluate your work, to do it without indulgences and discounts on speed and time.

Step 7
It is important not only to achieve good results, but also to maintain them. Even if you have learned to write beautifully, this should not be a reason for giving up regular calligraphy and hand gymnastics. Don't have enough time? Allocate half an hour for this during work, but do not borrow time allotted for rest, lunch - this will be annoying. If your profession is related to writing with a fountain pen, perform tasks so as not to cause damage, do not reduce your efforts to zero. Fill out your papers slowly, paying attention to each letter and word. This will be another incentive for success, but the most important thing is not to fall for your usual clumsy handwriting. Getting started with calligraphy, set yourself up for a positive, comprehend that this is not for one day, that there is a long way ahead, which will definitely give a good result.