The science that deciphers a character from a person's handwriting is called graphology. According to her, every feature of the writing of the text speaks of a person's inclinations, self-esteem, even mood. That is why a person's handwriting changes from time to time, but retains common typical features.

Step 1
To decipher your handwriting, you need to write a small piece of text on an unlined sheet of paper. The meaning of the words does not matter, the words themselves have almost no effect on spelling and analysis. 2.
Step 2
Determine the direction of the lines. If there is a tendency to understate (the lines are slightly diagonal), you either have a pessimistic outlook on life, or just bad mood and fatigue. An upward direction indicates general optimism or a fleeting elation. Straight straight lines are characteristic of people who are neat, balanced, calm.
Step 3
Fields. Walking fields are a sign of lack of solid foundations, absent-mindedness or temporary fatigue. Wide fields are characteristic of a generous, sometimes wasteful person, narrow - for thrifty ones.
Step 4
The size of the letters is inversely proportional to self-esteem: the larger the letters, the lower it is. Suspicious people have letters that are almost microscopic.
Step 5
The coherence of letters indicates the level of development of logic, critical thinking. An equal number of connected and dashed lines is a sign of a person's earthiness and poise. Scattered, almost separately written letters are characteristic of the dreamer and the dreamer.
Step 6
Slope letters. Almost lying letters can speak either about your momentary fatigue, or about your characteristic irascibility, incontinence. Oblique handwriting is a companion of a heart-warming, empathic person who acts in strict accordance with logic. A constantly changing slope, like the instability of writing in general, is inherent in capricious people experiencing internal contradictions.