Today it is not often necessary to write by hand - keyboards have replaced pens, and it has become much faster and easier to type something than to write it. But when the need for handwriting arises, a common problem arises: illegible handwriting. If you have heard reproaches that you write illegible more than once, learn to write letters beautifully.

Step 1
Find calligraphy courses. Lack of free time or money will, of course, prevent you from getting serious about your handwriting. But if there is a possibility - even with small restrictions, do not find excuses for yourself. Thanks to calligraphy courses, you will write not only beautifully, but surprisingly neatly, your handwriting can be used as an example. A few months of training is worth it. Do not be lazy if there are such courses in your city - sign up for them.
Step 2
Go back to basics. Do you still remember how all the letters are spelled correctly? If the first-class program is irretrievably lost for you, buy copybooks. There is nothing stupid and senseless in this: who said that accurate writing of letters is necessary only for children? Look at an example of a letter and, as in your school years, print line by line. From one letter, of course. When you master it, move on to the next one. Pay special attention to the connections of the letters.
Step 3
Do not hurry. Remember the diligence with which you wrote out the words in first grade? Now you need to do something similar. You may not really like the handwriting offered in the copybook. But it is better to imitate him first - he is the most understandable and simple. Master all the letters (having really high-quality prescribing them all), all types of connections, write a few simple words and sentences in the spelling.
Step 4
Find a handwriting that you like. Samples of writing letters can be found on the same sites of calligraphy courses - they are exhibited there as examples. See what you like best. Consider if you could cope with such a spelling of letters. Try to imitate. Write for yourself a whole alphabet in the style of writing that you like. You may want to add some more elements to the letters, and simplify something.
Step 5
Exercise every day. And always try hard when writing. Even regular classes will not work if, at the earliest need to write the text by hand, you quickly scribble something illegible again.