After the war, cinematography began to develop actively. More and more new stars amazed the audience with their talent. Such celebrities include the actor Dirk Bogard.

The audience does not remember the first works of the English performer, but since 1963 the career of the famous artist began to develop so rapidly that everyone started talking about him.
The beginning of a brilliant film career
An Englishman of Belgian-Dutch origin, Derek Jules Gaspard Ulrik Nivan van der Bogard, was born on March 28, 1921. His father was an artist who worked as an art editor for the well-known London Times. Dirk's mom was a Scottish actress. The parents gave their son a very good education.
He graduated from the Polytechnic Academy of Arts, Royal Academy. During his studies, the future actor took part in performances in small city theaters. For some time he worked as an artist. With the outbreak of World War II, Dirk took part in battles, and was in the Far East.
After demobilization, the young man returned home. Former friends have already acquired a position, they did not help Bogard. And work in the theater turned out to be very difficult to find. Finally the guy got lucky. He was offered a job at the Rank radio company. After he went to work in a film studio.
The artist began filming with small episodes. He appeared in "Once upon a time there was a gay tramp", "See you at the fair," "Dancing with crime."

Pictures have long been forgotten, but then their popularity was enormous. The first major role was "Blue Lamp" in 1950. Police officer Dixon is killed during one of the duties. The culprit is hiding. The entire police are engaged in his capture. The old criminal world, dissatisfied with the uncontrolled growth of crime among young people, also starts persecution. The last partner of the murdered Mitchell finds and arrests the raider.
A successful meeting with director Joseph Losey. The joint work was the reason for the birth of the talented artist Dirk Bogard. They starred in Sleeping Tiger, Servant, Accident. After the premiere, the aspiring performer became in demand.
Iconic heroes
Almost all Bogard's characters were distinguished by an extreme degree of fatigue with unfulfilled desires, duality and complexes. Against the background of all phobias, the abilities of the actor stood out perfectly. He called it great luck to work with Luchino Visconti. The director invited the artist to play Friedrich Broekmann in "The Damned" in 1970. The actor's hero is an ambitious man, he goes to power decisively, not allowing anyone to get in his way.
The next work was the famous painting "Death in Venice". It was released in 1971. Dirk became a lonely composer. At a resort in Lido, he found himself under the spell of a boy from Poland. The work was very hard. After her, the artist refused to act.

With great difficulty, Liliana Cavani managed to persuade Bogard to star in her project. In 1974 "The Night Porter" was shown. The discussion of the novelty turned out to be very noisy.
Dirk often played the role of gay heroes. Nothing is known about the artist's novels. But his father more than once expressed guesses that his son had chosen inclinations that were not entirely accepted in society, since he agreed to such a dangerous role. In the mid-sixties, Dirk moved to the south of France with his partner and manager Forswood. The artist spent several years in Provence.
In 1983, together with a sick friend, the artist returned to England again. There he remained until Tony passed away. However, their real relationship to each other remained forever unknown. Dirk never had a family. His relationship with women most often turned out to be not romantic, but friendly. The personality of Bogard has always remained mysterious. He became the personification of pure freedom and creativity.
The artist spent his last years alone in a small house in southern France. He was involved in the cultivation of grapes and olives. The talented actor has become an equally gifted writer. He created sixteen books. Of these, six were stories, the rest were memoirs and autobiographical works. They say a lot about the artist's artistic life, a hidden secret during his lifetime.
Completion of a career
In 1977, Dirk agreed to play a role in the famous film "Providence" to Alain Rene. He again demonstrated an amazing talent, proving that he could even combine the incompatible into one whole. The last works include the painting "Despair" based on the work of Nabokov. It was first shown in 1978. In it Bogard got the hero of a Russian emigrant in Germany.

The performer who suffered a heart attack moved to England to restore his health. The director Tavernier turned to him, persuading him to act in Daddy's Nostalgia. In 1990, the magnificent artist appeared before the public for the last time.
About the progress of the script, the young screenwriter Carolina had a chance to come to the seaside town for a return visit to her father. She spends several of her in the company of a parent who is in the hospital. During this time, the Irish woman receives from her father everything that she could not receive due to his frequent absences in her childhood.
In 1992 Bogard was knighted. He passed away on May 8 in 1999.

A great artist in his life has created an excellent reputation for himself, he has achieved recognition and audience love. However, he did not have a single award for his contribution to the development of cinema. The reason is that all the works of the brilliant performer were far ahead of their time. The only lifetime award was the BAFTA Award for Best British Actor.