How To Dance Like A Robot

How To Dance Like A Robot
How To Dance Like A Robot

Table of contents:


The "robot" style is straightforward, articular movements, when there is complete isolation of one joint relative to the other, as well as fixation. In its pure form, this trend in modern times is very rare, however, the elements of this dance are very popular in clubs, at parties, on stage, on the streets.

How to dance in style
How to dance in style


Step 1

Try to mentally divide your body into parts: hand, elbow, shoulder, head.

Step 2

Next, imagine yourself as a puppet, imagine that a thread is tied to each part of your body.

Step 3

Imagine as if your elbow is pulled up by the string. Pick it up and then stop the movement. Suddenly, the thread from the elbow was pulled to the side, and then - the shoulder up. Imagine these shapes with different joints. From a distance, these movements can resemble pantomime. The main thing is to try to perform all movements in small segments in a straight line, and not make complex paths at a time.

Step 4

To get into the role even better, imagine yourself as a robot - exactly the same as shown in Japanese cartoons. The joints of such a robot are attached on hinges, and each movement is a movement of the joint around its axis. For example, if at first you make a movement with the brush, then in the next "pas" the hand remains in a fixed position, and the shoulder "hinge" is already working.

Step 5

Try to include leg movements parallel to the floor, torso bends, head turns, and other movements that you still feel like doing. Pay special attention to Her Majesty the Fixation. The whole effect of your dance will depend on this, plus it will help you when learning other styles of dance. There are many ways to fix different joints, but the most important are shoulder and elbow fixation.

Step 6

You need to train shoulder fixation as follows: put your feet shoulder-width apart and sharply lower your shoulders down.

Step 7

And then bring it upstairs. At the same time, the body remains completely motionless.

Step 8

Try to keep your shoulders in a down position.

Step 9

Train the fixation of the elbows like this: lower your arms and imagine that you are being pulled on a string by the elbow, the elbow rises.

Step 10

Then suddenly stop the movement and stay in this position for a while.

Step 11

Repeat the movements over and over again, because they capture, give a sense of grace and joy!
