Carefree, light, perky - that's all he, cha-cha-cha. Latin American dances always attract attention with their tempo and rhythm, gaiety and ease of performance. Besides, learning to dance it is quite simple. The main conditions are desire and enthusiasm.

Step 1
When you start learning to dance the cha-cha-cha, remember that this dance is performed at a fairly high tempo. The rhythm should match 120 beats per minute. Moreover, each blow corresponds to a step. It must be performed with a clear and rhythmic movement of the hip. At the same time, the knees are straightened for each step. Do not forget that all movements should be clear, passionate, slightly impudent. This is the only way you can convey the mood of this dance.
Step 2
Dance the cha-cha-cha on the spot, not around the hall. A special feature of this dance is that all the music is repeated in three beats, of which the first is considered percussion. In accordance with this, you need to distribute the accents in the dance itself.
Step 3
Steps are also important in teaching dance. Perform them off your toes. Next, go to the ball of the foot, and then step on the entire foot. As mentioned, the knees should be straightened during the steps. And the weight of the whole body at this moment is transferred to the supporting leg. At the same time, you must raise the heel (heel) of the second leg (the one that is no longer the supporting one). In addition to steps forward, there are also steps back. Their implementation is somewhat different. The step begins with the ball of the foot, after the transition to the toe, and then back to the ball of the foot. After that, you can move on to the entire foot as a whole. When the body weight is transferred to the second leg, the free one remains in place, only slightly touching the floor with the ball of the foot. Move the body with foot pressure to the floor.
Step 4
Once you have mastered the art of the steps, you can move on to learning the dance figures. All of them are based on side steps and enumeration. If you want to dance in pairs, then remember that the ideal distance between partners is 15 cm. You need to look directly at each other. There are no more restrictions. In the process of dancing, you can find yourself not only face to face, but also shoulder to shoulder, and the partner can also stand with her back to the partner. When the dance becomes a pair, you need to be very clear about your partner. After all, the man in this pair should be the leader. He takes his partner by the hands and pushes her with a slight effort. She must be sensitive to his pressure and give in. Only in this case the dance will turn out harmonious and at the same time energetic.