How To Draw A Fairy Tale

How To Draw A Fairy Tale
How To Draw A Fairy Tale

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With what feelings of joy and light nostalgia we sometimes revise our school drawings. Only childhood is able to depict the world so brightly and colorfully. However, all is not yet lost. Try to draw your favorite fairy tale.

How to draw a fairy tale
How to draw a fairy tale

It is necessary

  • 1. album sheet;
  • 2. simple pencil, eraser;
  • 3. watercolor paints;
  • 4. felt-tip pens.


Step 1

Decide on a fairy tale. She should be loved, and her characters should be colorful.

Step 2

Take a landscape sheet and place it horizontally or vertically on the table. Draw the horizon line. Note the landscape in which the fairy tale will take place - Christmas trees, a house, clouds in the sky, the sun. Keep in mind that the closer to the horizon line, the smaller the objects.

Step 3

With a simple pencil, draw the outlines of the main characters (for example, Ivan Tsarevich, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Puss in Boots). You can also draw objects that are meaningful to your fairy tale - a mirror, a magic wand, a turnip.

Step 4

Take watercolors and paint your fairy tale landscape. Cover the sky and earth with an even color. To do this, use a large brush or a piece of cotton wool, which must be dipped first in water, and then in the desired paint.

Step 5

Take a thinner brush and paint the main characters. The more colors, the more interesting the drawing. Paints can be mixed with each other using a palette.

Step 6

With felt-tip pens, draw small details - the eyes of the characters, hands, ruffles on the dress. For clarity and completeness, you can completely circle the characters with felt-tip pens. Your drawing is ready, do not forget to sign it and save it as a keepsake.
