Winter landscapes have always inspired artists and poets no less than summer ones, thanks to their mystery and beauty. And if you are learning to paint, you can create your own winter painting that will look airy and transparent, thanks to watercolors that will emphasize the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale in your drawing.

Step 1
Prepare some watercolor paper for painting, simple medium-soft pencils, an eraser, good watercolors, and different sized soft squirrel brushes. Divide the sheet into four equal parts using thin pencil lines to more accurately position the objects of the composition on the paper.
Step 2
Outline the general outline of the conceived picture - the outlines of houses, roofs, trees and similar fragments that make up the composition of the picture. At this stage, paint the main objects of the painting on the sheet, without thinking about small details. You will detail the drawing later.
Step 3
Lightly work the pencil outlines with a soft eraser to lighten them, and then draw in smaller details - windows and doors of houses, fences, bushes, and so on. Erase the guide lines that you used to divide the sheet into areas.
Step 4
Use a sheet of paper as a palette for mixing paints so that the contours of objects are not too blurred during the drawing process. Since you will be painting on a dry sheet, wait until each previous coat is completely dry before applying a new color.
Step 5
Paint the sky from top to bottom with blue, trying to make the colorful area uniform and not divided into stripes - for this paint over the sky very quickly. Moisten the brush in a glass of water and blot it with a cloth, and then drag over it in arbitrary places to add volume and heterogeneity to it.
Step 6
In some areas, absorb more paint into the brush to create clouds. In the background of the drawing, sketch out the translucent trees, and then paint the houses and buildings, being careful not to paint over unnecessary details.
Step 7
If you are drawing a sunny winter day, remember that the shadows in such a drawing should be cold. Mix in blue paint in the shadows, and add more ocher and warm tones to paint sunlit fragments.
Step 8
Draw the walls of the buildings, separately draw the windows, roofs, fences and small details of the drawing, and then begin to draw the snow caps lying on the surfaces of the roofs. Smoothly stretch the color to create the natural outline of the snow cap, occasionally brushing in with a brush for texture.
Step 9
Add light silhouettes of birch trees in the right places, blurring the paint with a semi-dry brush, and then work out even more detail on the walls of the buildings. Add light shadows for buildings and trees. Also work out the shaded and lighted areas on the buildings themselves and the objects you paint.
Step 10
Depending on where the light comes from in your drawing, correctly outline the direction of the falling shadows. Write in the background of the drawing, detail the bark and branches of the trees. The closer the trees, the more detailed they should be, and the further away, the more transparent their outlines should be.
Step 11
Refine the snow surface in your drawing - add bluish shadows, make it embossed, and in places where the snow should be trampled, show its texture with brush strokes.