If You Fly In A Dream

If You Fly In A Dream
If You Fly In A Dream

Children often have a dream in which they soar high above the ground. This means that they are growing. But not all dreams are associated with physiological characteristics. Seen by an adult, they can portend the onset of any events in his life.

Flights in a dream have several interpretations
Flights in a dream have several interpretations

Free flight in a dream, when no obstacles come across on the oncoming path, means pleasant planning through life's troubles. All problems are easily solved, and minor troubles do not deserve upset nerves. However, more often a person flying in a dream feels air resistance. It is difficult for him to control his flight, the wind plays with his body and does not allow him to move along the intended trajectory. This means that the dreamer does not succeed in everything as easily as he wants. Quarrels with colleagues, everyday troubles are confusing and prevent you from enjoying life, distracting all the attention. It is necessary to learn, at least for a short period of time, to abstract from troubles and enjoy simple things: a child's smile, good weather and snowflakes on the nose.

An unsuccessful flight that ends in a fall is interpreted as a fiasco at work or in personal life. Moreover, the sooner the dreamer met the ground, the harder it will be for him to endure the fact of a friend's betrayal, a colleague's prying or a quarrel with his family. Despite the pain experienced, you should accept the situation and try to smooth out its sharp corners.

Soaring up, high under the clouds does not mean success at all, as might be expected, but lack of confidence in one's abilities. The dreamer, not feeling solid ground under his feet, tries to "fly away" from his problems, hiding in his own imagination. It's time to get out of the fantasy world and live a real life.

Soaring over a pond means a lot of thoughts and ideas swarming in the dreamer's head. Perhaps you shouldn't dismiss them as fruitless dreams - some can be a good foundation for financial endeavors. However, if instead of clean water below there is a swamp or a dirty stream, this means pettiness and futility of thoughts, therefore, the actions of the sleeping person should be opposite. He needs to "emerge" from empty thoughts and get down to real business. If during the flight there was a sudden and complete awakening with an absolute clarification of the head, then the dreamer will be able to cope with all the difficulties.

When a person in a dream flies on an object or on an airplane, this portends a change in his official activity, and, most likely, not an advancement in the career ladder, but a change in the direction of activity. Perhaps the dreamer will find a place that is more suitable for him in terms of salary and inner aspirations and quit his old job. Even if the subject is a mythical broom, it will create support under your feet and will not allow the flow of life to throw the dreamer ashore.
