How To Change The Tone Of Your Voice

How To Change The Tone Of Your Voice
How To Change The Tone Of Your Voice

Table of contents:


Timbre is a characteristic of the voice due to the anatomical structure of the whole body and the predominance of certain overtones in the sounded exhalation. The timbre of each person is unique and inimitable. Throughout life, this characteristic changes, but only slightly. A meaningful change in the sound of a voice is not always associated with a change in timbre.

How to change the tone of your voice
How to change the tone of your voice


Step 1

Physiologically, it is impossible to change the timbre. But you can achieve a special effect by changing the shape of the lips and the position of the tongue. For example, conduct an experiment: pronounce any text, softening to one degree or another all consonants, or putting an "y" in front of each vowel. The voice will become softer, more stringy, and will acquire a nasal coloration. At the same time, it is not necessary to change the tessiture of speech, you can speak at the usual height.

Step 2

In a similar way, you can change the voice by pronouncing vowels with different accents: emphasizing, smoothing, making voiced or deaf. There are many ways, the choice of a specific option is yours.

Step 3

The shape of the mouth is also of great importance in sound production. Pull out your lower lip and begin to say the same text. Do not change the pitch, stay in the familiar speech tessiture. To fix the lip, squeeze your jaw, but not too tightly - otherwise you will simply not be able to utter a word. Speech in this position becomes, as it were, lethargic, cheeky. There is a tendency to understate the sound. If you can't fight it, give in and start talking in "bass".

Step 4

Speak through your teeth. In this exercise, all speech takes on buzzing and aggressive shades, again there is a tendency to underestimate. Articulate in an exaggerated way: unlike ordinary speech, here the clarity is reduced due to the barrier - the teeth.

Step 5

It is not necessary to distort the voice at the time of performance: a number of programs, such as “Voice changer” or all kinds of VST plug-ins and emulators, allow you to apply a whole bunch of effects to voice recording. As a result, you can get a "talking" violin or mix your voice with an electric guitar, adding overtones and timbres of real and virtual instruments. By adjusting the volume of different frequencies, you can change the voice without adding any new overtones to it, but simply by shifting the emphasis.
