The voice is a powerful tool for conveying information, a way of self-expression and seduction. It is as important as appearance. If you are not happy with the sound of your voice, follow a few simple exercises that will definitely help you.

Step 1
Read more aloud. Thanks to this habit, you will develop your voice, train your intonation, and improve your auditory memory.
Step 2
Record your voice on a tape recorder and listen to how other people perceive it. This is a great way to work on improving the sound, remove speech defects, detect shortcomings in breathing, whistle, hiss.
Step 3
Develop self-confidence. All mental processes have a direct impact on speech. If you do not speak, but whisper, and the voice sometimes cuts out of your throat, you need to work on the beliefs that go out into the outside world in the form of such manifestations. Deal with fears, fears, self-doubt. Make fun of yourself, be curious, give yourself a bad mark in advance for speech and pronunciation, and then start talking.
Step 4
Watch your posture. It is important to correctly position the body in space so that the organs are not pinched and supplied with oxygen. Distribute the weight evenly on both legs, straighten your chest, tilt your head back a little. When working with the voice, it is important to use the whole body, not just the mouth.
Step 5
Watch your breathing. In order to use the entire vocal apparatus, air is needed. In normal conversation, we use our lungs only superficially. To get a pleasant chest voice, you need to breathe with your diaphragm. Do breathing exercises, with the help of which singers restore their voices, asthmatics get rid of illness and hoarseness.
Step 6
Repeat words and expressions, intonation, pronunciation of the speaker you like. With this practice, you will improve vocal performance and articulation. This is a technique called copying. This is how children learn, imitating adults.
Step 7
Take vocal lessons. The speech and singing functions of the vocal apparatus are closely related. Chanting will help relieve tightness, tension, improve pronunciation and articulation, and lung function.
When singing, a person is charged with a positive, which affects the entire body and psychological mood.
Step 8
Take up public speaking and learn the art of speaking. Learn to control your voice, because it can be different: high, low, dynamic and smooth, melodious, harsh. In different situations, you can influence the interlocutor with just one sound. Many announcers have attended rhetoric courses and their good voice is the result of long work and practice.