How To Count By Ticks

How To Count By Ticks
How To Count By Ticks

Table of contents:


A measure is a musical unit that begins with a downbeat. This strong beat is usually followed by a weak beat. That is, there is an alternation of strong and weak beats.

How to count by ticks
How to count by ticks

It is necessary

  • - rhythmic pieces of music;
  • - conductor's baton.


Step 1

Note that a measure is defined as the ratio of its beats. Since beat is an abstract quantity, you need to be able to feel it. For example, when you listen to rhythmic music, you involuntarily start shaking your head or tapping your foot. The next tapping or wiggling falls on the strong beat.

Step 2

To count the beat and to learn how to conduct, learn simple movements first. For example, if you sing a melody in two quarters, then there will be two beats in the measure. Show them as follows: first, the hand goes down - this is the "one" measure, then it rises up - this is the "two" measure. Each wave of the hand corresponds to one quarter, so as you move your hand up, sing either one quarter or two eighths. While conducting, lower the brush smoothly and in an arc, and raise it up in the same way. All movements should be soft.

Step 3

To sing a three-quarter tune, show three beats with your hand: one should be strong and the other two weak (you should make a triangle). Strong is usually shown by moving the hand from top to bottom. The second - weak fuller - movement of the hand to the side, the third part of the "triangle" must be connected with a wave of the hand up. But remember that the movement should be fluid, except for a strong accent.

Step 4

The size of four quarters looks like this: first down, then left, then right, and only then only up. The movement should still be fluid and the strong accent should be sharper.

Step 5

Learn to listen carefully to accents in your music. The accent is the beginning of the beat. By learning to distinguish accents in a melody, it will be easier for you to count the beats.
