Preference is a card game that became widespread in Russia in the middle of the 19th century. The precursors of the preference are the European whist and ombre, France or Russia have the right to be called the homeland of the game - this fact has not been fully studied, but historians are inclined towards the second option. Usually two, three or four people play preference, a larger number of players deprives the game of dynamism and drive.

Step 1
The game uses a deck of 32 cards (from seven to ace of each suit), the suits have a certain hierarchy and increase in seniority as follows: spades - the first, clubs - the second, diamonds - the third, hearts - the fourth. Participants also need a sheet of paper marked in a special way, the so-called bullet. The bullet is divided into three areas in which the points needed for the calculations are recorded: bullet, mountain and whists. To understand how to count in preference during and after the game, you first need to study the rules of preference.
Step 2
The game begins with the fact that the dealer shuffles the deck and deals in pairs to each player 10 cards, 2 cards are put in the buy-in. If there are three players, then not the first and not the last pair of cards goes to the buy-in, if there are four - the last two cards. Further, bargaining takes place between the players. Participants announce bids clockwise, the first to declare is the player sitting after the dealer. The bargaining begins with the minimum game - 6 spades, each subsequent player calls the game higher or folds. The number of bribes collected by the players determines the type of game.
Step 3
There are three types of preference: bribe play, rallies and minuscule. Each type has its own characteristics. Playing for bribes, the player who wins the trade undertakes, with or without a certain trump card, to take a certain number of bribes. He takes a buyback for himself, discards two extra cards and makes an order - announces how many tricks he is going to take and a trump card if he plays with him. You can not order less bribes than it was announced in the auction. The rest of the players team up against the winner, each of them decides whether he will fold or whist. The whistling participant also orders a certain number of bribes. If all the players whistle, then the game is closed, if only one, then the cards are laid openly on the table and the player goes for himself and the passing participants. The goal of the game is to collect the ordered number of bribes and, if possible, prevent the enemy from doing so.
Step 4
The minuscule game differs in that the player who wins the trade promises not to take a single bribe. Opponents play face-to-face with no order, and they must force the player to take as many tricks as possible. At the same time, the player takes the buyback, reveals all his cards to opponents, then closes them and discards 2 unnecessary ones.
Step 5
In the event that during the betting all players fold, then the passages are played. Each participant plays for himself and tries to take the minimum number of bribes. The buy-in cards during the clearing determine the matching suit of the first two tricks or belong to the dealer if there are four players. When playing for two, the buyback does not open.
Step 6
The trick is played in the preference as follows: the players place one card on the table in order. The suit is set by the first participant, and the rest must play cards of the same suit or trump cards, if they do not have the given suit. If there is no trump card, you need to discard any card. The player who plays the highest card takes the bribe. Bribes are counted according to their number and does not depend on the face value of the cards in them.
Step 7
Account is important in preference. It is counted in the game as follows: for a bribe received in a game for bribes or minuscule, the player writes down points for himself in a bullet, and the whistling participant - whists on the player. Exceeding the order, which is also called a contract, is dangerous for whistling players, since they must take no less bribes than was determined by the convention. For each violation in the game for bribes or in the minuscule, players receive a certain purely penalty points, which are recorded uphill. Bribes received during the rallies are also written there. One point per bullet is equal to +10 or +20 whists. Mountain - Penalty points are entered in this area, which are awarded for locks and for bribes received during the rallies. A point uphill is -10 whists. The third area is whists, they are awarded for the bribes received by the player during the whistle and for the least number of bribes in the rallies. A point in this area is equal to 1 whist.
Step 8
The preference game usually ends only when the bullet is played out to the end (according to the limit set by the players in the pool, for example, 20), but sometimes it can be finished ahead of time or, on the contrary, continued. If the game is played for money, then after the game is over, the received number of whists is multiplied by their predetermined price, and the players pay each other.