Playing cards can be both interesting entertainment and become a source of additional or basic income. For example, if you know how to count cards in blackjack, you can stay in positive territory, or at least not go into negative territory. Each player has their own card counting technique, but general rules still exist.

Step 1
Get involved in mnemonics. It will allow you to train your memory with the help of special methods and techniques based on the formation of associations. As a result, the amount of memory increases and it becomes much easier to memorize the information necessary for playing cards.
Step 2
Learn the theory of probability. Remember all the cards that have left the game. With the help of probability theory, you can calculate the odds of getting a certain card, taking into account the available cards in your hand.
Step 3
Choose a certain counting system for yourself and master it 100%. You can't get excited after the first win - this way you will never study the system thoroughly. Remember, any system requires a consistent approach.
Step 4
Count the number of tens left in the deck if you play blackjack. In this case, tens means all cards from 10 and above (V, D, K, T). If the percentage of these cards is very high, then you can safely double the bet or break a pair of eights. True, the rules should allow you to do this.
Step 5
Assign the following values to the cards in the deck: cards from 2 to 6 have a value of +1, cards from 9 to Ace have a value of -1, and 7s, 8s and 9s have a value of 0. When a player sees a played card, he adds its meaning. The higher the amount, the more senior cards remain in the deck. This means that the probability of getting a card of 10 points is higher. This is another blackjack card counting system.
Step 6
Remember, it is legal to count cards while playing blackjack. However, it is not at all necessary for your opponents and casino owners to know about your ability to calculate the probability of winning. Otherwise, you may lose your winnings. Also, do not break the bank on the first day if you plan to play at this casino again.