The best toy is rightfully considered one that is not bought in a store, but made by the hands of the child himself. And let it turn out to be unprepossessing - be sure that this toy will become the most beloved for the little master!

Step 1
Decide what kind of toy you want to build with your child. It can be anything from a banal car or a doll to a very detailed model of a building. But best of all, invite your child to make with his own hands the toy that he himself constantly asks you to buy. If, of course, we are sure that he will cope.
Step 2
Having decided on the theme of the toy, consult with your child about what material it is best to make it from. This material should be not only beautiful, pleasant to the baby, but also safe, as well as easy to process using the tools that you have. It must also be durable. The child himself will be offended if the toy, on which he spent so much effort, quickly becomes unusable.
Step 3
Having chosen the material, proceed to sketching the construction of the toy. Draw each part separately, and then the assembly drawing. Draw up a so-called assembly diagram that reflects the order in which the parts are connected to each other.
Step 4
Start making parts. If this involves using tools that could be dangerous to the child, have him work with them in your presence. Too dangerous operations, as well as those with which the child is not able to cope, carry out yourself. But try to keep the number of such operations to a minimum so that the baby does not feel innocent of the creation of the toy.
Step 5
Modern children love toys that can glow, blink, and make sounds. If you understand electronics or a child is fond of it, a simple flashing light or sound generator can be built into the toy. As a last resort, take a light or sound module from a broken finished toy.
Step 6
If you have two or more children, intelligently distribute toy making operations between them according to their skills and age. The toy, which the children assemble together, they will never snatch from each other, realizing that each of them put their work into it.