How To Make A Toy Tomahawk

How To Make A Toy Tomahawk
How To Make A Toy Tomahawk

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A real tomahawk, like the rocket bearing its name, is a formidable weapon. But a homemade model of this ax can be harmless enough to be safely given to children. They can use such a toy during games and performances about Indians.

How to make a toy tomahawk
How to make a toy tomahawk


Step 1

Enlarge the photo of the tomahawk in the title of this article. Consider it carefully. You will find that this weapon consists of only two parts: a wooden handle and a metal attachment with a blade.

Step 2

Do not make the handle for the toy tomahawk from wood - it will turn out to be too heavy. Make a hollow thin-walled tube with a diameter of about three centimeters and a length of about half a meter out of papier-mâché. When it is dry, wrap it with wood-like plastic.

Step 3

Place a plastic bottle cap on one side of the tube. It should be dark in color. Secure the lid with glue.

Step 4

Make a model of a metal nozzle with a blade from foam, guided by the picture. The length of this nozzle should be about ten centimeters.

Step 5

After making a mock nozzle, paint it silver, then let the paint dry.

Step 6

Insert the handle tube into the dummy nozzle. Secure it with foam non-dissolving glue. Make sure that the glue doesn't really dissolve it by testing it on a small piece of this material.

Step 7

When giving the toy tomahawk to children, be sure to warn them to handle it with care as it is fragile. Sharp movements, blows will be dangerous, rather, for the toy itself than for the players.

Step 8

Encourage the children to compose their own script for a performance based on an excerpt from a work on Indian life, such as O. Henry's “Leader of the Redskins”. For rehearsals, and then for the performance, make with them several toy tomahawks, as well as other attributes of the Indians, stage decorations. It is especially good to be engaged in staging such performances during the summer holidays if the children were asked at school to read one of the works on this topic for the summer. Believe me, they will take up reading it much more willingly.
