How To Make A Garland For A Christmas Tree? We Make A Bright Toy With Our Own Hands

How To Make A Garland For A Christmas Tree? We Make A Bright Toy With Our Own Hands
How To Make A Garland For A Christmas Tree? We Make A Bright Toy With Our Own Hands

Paper garlands are very economical and effective. White, colored paper and even candy wrappers are suitable for their manufacture. The decoration can be made in the form of small Christmas trees, rings, ribbons.

How to make a garland for a Christmas tree? We make a bright toy with our own hands
How to make a garland for a Christmas tree? We make a bright toy with our own hands

The New Year is not complete without a Christmas tree. You can make a garland on which many small copies will flaunt. Take a sheet of A4 paper, place it vertically on the table, fold it in half, lifting the two lower corners to the upper ones. Now turn the left side of the resulting rectangle to the right, align the sides. So, in front of you is a piece of paper folded in four.

Put a point with a pencil in the lower right corner, go up from it by 5 cm. From this place, draw a segment equal to 4 cm to the left. Perpendicular to this, draw another segment up to the end. Walk along these lines with scissors, cutting out a small vertical rectangle, it is not needed. Below it there is a "tail", wind it to the left, thereby expanding the folded sheet. In front of you is a rectangle, left and right with 2 "tails", it is folded in half (since at the very beginning it was bent four times).

Starting from the top of the figure, bend back strips 2.5 cm wide, fold this part into an accordion. Bend it in half by connecting the ponytails. Glue the two adjacent sides together to create a herringbone. Make a few of these. Pierce their upper part with a hole punch, thread the tape, hang the garland on the window, above the door or near the wall under the ceiling. You can decorate a kindergarten, school, office or home with this festive paraphernalia. It's good to celebrate the Christmas holidays in such a fancy setting.

The next decoration for the New Year is made even easier. Cut sheets of colored paper into strips of 2x21 cm. To make it easier to get several stripes at once, fold the paper in half or lay one on top of the other. To prevent them from moving apart, secure at the corners with paper clips.

Fold the strips in half, straighten them out. Sew the ribbons on the sewing machine with the needle pointing in the middle. In this way, connect all the tapes. The garland can be hung horizontally or vertically. In the latter case, attach a small weight to its end, for example, a piece of plasticine.

Jewelry made of paper rings also looks impressive, but it is done simply. Cut strips of colored paper 3, 5x10, 5 cm in size. Fold two crosswise. Glue both ends of any of them. Thus, arrange and glue all the rings from the stripes, after which the Christmas decoration is ready.

The garland of rings looks great on the window, wall. You can hang it on the tree by decorating the forest beauty with paper beads.

Don't throw away shiny candy wrappers. They will make a fluffy garland. Cut each wrapper in half or in four (depending on the size of the wrapper). You should have pieces of 2x4 or 3x6 cm. Fold the first into a tube, proceed to the second. Make sure they are the same length. Thread a strong thread through the eye of the needle. Pierce the middle of the first, second tube with a needle, pull the thread. Thus, string all the rolled candy wrappers.

It is better to fold one - two candy wrappers and immediately string them on a thread, then they will not unfold.

Such a garland will also become a worthy decoration for a Christmas tree or room.
