Drawings in the genre of hyperrealism are amazing, they cannot be distinguished from ordinary photographs. Now you can also learn to draw objects so clearly that the images will resemble real ones.

The hyperrealism genre has a rich history. Even artists in the 16th century painted trompe l'oeil directly on walls or doors; such hyperrealistic images were not easy to distinguish from real objects.
Required tools and materials
To draw in the hyperrealism genre, you will need thick paper, pencils of different hardness (you can use colored pencils), napkins, an eraser, a ruler, a gel black pen, and shading. All of these can be purchased at specialty art stores or regular office supply stores. You will also need to print your favorite photo in black and white.
Hyperrealism: technique
There are special techniques to help achieve such an impressive effect. First, prepare your photo. It is necessary to apply on it with a pencil and a ruler a grid of squares of arbitrary size.
Draw out a sheet of thick paper in the same way. Work with light strokes, because later you will have to erase all the lines. Next, manually copy all the shapes that you see in the cells of the image.
Step by step move from one cell to another. So you will gradually create a sketch of the future drawing in the genre of hyperrealism. When the work is finished, erase all the auxiliary lines, then start working on the forms.
Start painting with the darkest elements of the image. Take a break from focusing on drawing exactly what is in the photo. Our brains can sometimes generalize pictures. Just repeat all the shapes and lines you see. Use feathering to soften lines and smooth transitions between tones.
Work on the proportions. For example, a face or figure is built according to certain principles. Make sure the drawing looks harmonious and beautiful. If there is hair in the photo, then draw it in separate curls with the study of shadows and highlights. When creating a hyper-realistic drawing, it is advisable to use gel pens.
Next, you should draw the shadows. Do this with great care, work gradually. If something did not work out the first time, erase and repeat again. It is the shadows that make the drawing realistic. Therefore, pay more attention to this stage of the work. The darkest places can be emphasized with a special charcoal pencil.
Pick up an eraser and accentuate the highlights. The eraser is an essential tool for editing and creating highlights. Do everything gradually. When finished, blend all the clean lines. Your hyperrealism drawing is ready!