How To Draw A Beautiful Dragon

How To Draw A Beautiful Dragon
How To Draw A Beautiful Dragon

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Would you like to draw a beautiful dragon without having a lot of experience in fine arts? To master this seemingly difficult technique, use a few guidelines. In just a couple of hours you will be able to portray a Chinese dragon, which will become a talisman for your home.

How to draw a beautiful dragon
How to draw a beautiful dragon

It is necessary

  • - 3 sheets of paper (A4);
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - washing gum;
  • - office knife or blade;
  • - kitchen board made of wood;
  • - watercolor paints;
  • - thin brush;
  • - a small piece of cloth.


Step 1

First, draw the outline of this fantastic animal with a simple pencil. The fiery Chinese dragon has a long, sinuous body with 4 legs. Draw 5 fingers on each of them.

Step 2

Next, you need to make a stencil from the finished contour. To do this, take a kitchen board, put a blank drawing on it and carefully cut out the outline of the dragon using a clerical knife or blade. Pay particular attention to carving out the head, mouth and legs. Such a stencil will help you create a unique pattern on the body of the amulet dragon.

Step 3

After you have prepared the stencil, proceed with the selection of paints. Considering that your dragon is fiery, colors should also be selected in hot shades. Use red as the base color, add brown and yellow for mixing. Dilute the paints as watery as possible, as you will be using the printing technique.

Step 4

Take a rough sheet of paper and a small piece of fabric prepared in advance. Roll the latter into a lump and dip it in diluted paint, then print on a draft. Then start painting through the stencil. Put it on a blank sheet of paper and begin to paint over the body of the dragon with printing movements, alternately dipping in red, brown and yellow paints.

Step 5

After you have finished painting the Chinese dragon, remove the stencil and paint the necessary body parts: eyes, nose, fiery mouth, mane and needles all over the body. To shine, you can sprinkle the image of a fantastic animal with red sparkles, and then leave the drawing to dry. At the end, frame the image of a fiery Chinese dragon and hang it in the most conspicuous place.
