Our Fate Is In Our Hands

Our Fate Is In Our Hands
Our Fate Is In Our Hands

No one ever thinks, but our fate is in our hands. Everyone is always interested in what lies ahead of me. Many people ask questions, will I meet true love or will I find a good job when I get married, open my own business? Sometimes people get so immersed and think about it that they go to clairvoyants and palmists for help. Sometimes out of curiosity. In fact, palmists do not know our future, they see certain signs on a person's hand, we will try to figure out what exactly the lines on our hands mean.

Lines of fate
Lines of fate

Experts say that the lines and marks on the hands are a reflection of not only the physical, but also the mental state of a person. They explain this by the fact that along the nerves in the palms, which are in contact with the brain, there is a two-way movement of impulses.

Although we always doubt that no one will ever tell you your fate 100%, but according to the practice of palmists and the assurances of specialists, they are extremely rarely mistaken. To understand the image of your hand, first I suggest that you consider the 10 main secondary lines on the hand.


1. Belt of Venus indicates professionalism.

2. The line of the heart reflects the spiritual world of a person.

3. Sun line indicates lack of taste.

4. The head line, also called the mind line, reflects creative thinking.

5. The life line tells about family life.

6. The line of fate shows whether a person's life is subordinate to fate.

7. The health line tells about a person's health, as well as the ability to financial success.

8. Vid Lasciva, in translation - the line of sensuality, tells how a person loves rest and fun.

9. The Mars line gives a person a guardian angel.

10. Bracelets, also called the dragon's line, speak of life expectancy.

Of course, people began to connect the lines of the hand with fate a very long time ago. On the walls of ancient caves, archaeologists find an image of a human hand and especially a palm. But not all palmists predict how in Russia and Europe, by reading the palm, in India they read by the thumb, in Japan and China only by the fingerprint. It is amazing that in India more than 8000 characters are read on the hand. But in Russia palmists take into account about 30 signs, of which we already know 10.
